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Angela May 8, 2008

Gamelife - 8 out of 10
IGN - 8.1 - A+

Says Kohler: "Boom Blox does what so many Wii titles wish they could, by splitting the difference between casual players and lifelong gamers. You can pass the Wiimote to your grandma or a 5-year-old and they'll have a ball with its clever mix of brainy puzzles and satisfying explosions. But hard-core players like me will find a surprising amount of depth to the gameplay and a satisfying, addictive challenge."

And 1up's Nick Suttner: "I've been waiting to say something like this for a year and a half: If this is the future of casual gaming, motion controls, and Wii, count me in. Boom Blox may not be the best Wii game, depending on your proclivities, but it's definitely the best use of the Wii yet. It's immensely accessible, wonderfully tactile, and stands as one of the best treatments of gaming in a 3D space."

Who would've thought that Spielberg's game would be so well-received?  It does look like quite a bit of fun, really; I'll definitely give it a try.

allyourbaseare May 8, 2008

Color me surprised!  I'll definitely rent it, but whether or not it's a "must buy", we'll see.

Angela May 28, 2008

Just picked the game up today, and after a very lengthy play session with my younger cousins, it's easy to make the declaration that Boom Blox is a brilliantly accessible game.  Reviews pretty much hit it on the mark; the block physics are super realistic, and the Wii remote controls are exacting enough that anyone who picks it up will immediately know what they're doing.  The puzzles have a fantastic learning curve, and the variety is always fresh and interesting.  The ranking system is nicely implemented, too; it's lenient enough so that it allows you to finish any stage long after the set requirements - but the requirements are there for the hi-scorers and perfectionists.

I can't wait to bounce this one off friends and family.  If my cousins are any indication, I'd say Boom Blox would be an instant hit at any party or social gathering.

SonicPanda Jun 25, 2008

Angela wrote:

The ranking system is nicely implemented, too; it's lenient enough so that it allows you to finish any stage long after the set requirements - but the requirements are there for the hi-scorers and perfectionists.

This is me. During my time with the thing (spent almost exclusively in puzzle mode; my main would-be party partners are busy this week, you see) I spent much of my time doing and re-doing the tricky ones until I got the golds. Plumber, alas, broke me.

Still, great game.

Schala Jun 26, 2008

Spielberg made Boom Blox? Wow, I hadn't realized.

Angela wrote:

I can't wait to bounce this one off friends and family.  If my cousins are any indication, I'd say Boom Blox would be an instant hit at any party or social gathering.

Ooooh, a recommendation for a party game! We've been looking for more Wii party games since our circle of friends has expanded quite a bit. My bro bought the game and he apparently was having great fun with it before he decided he wanted to start playing online Mario Kart. I think I'll try it out and bring it to our next gathering.

Angela Jan 29, 2009 (edited Jan 29, 2009)

Looks like the sequel is well under way for a spring release.  Boom Blox Bash Party -- "the new game is a sequel to last year's "Boom Blox" and promises increased multiplayer action and more than 400 new levels that take players from under water into outer space.  Among the new features the game will offer is an online component that enables users to download additional levels from Electronic Arts as well as other "Boom Blox Bash Party" players."

Two shots featured on Gamelife.

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