Dragon God Jun 16, 2008
He had made his mark at Taito with fairly impressive scores like Space Gun, Arabian Magic, Light Bringer, Grid Seeker, Chaos Heat and Lost Magic. For Super Sweep, he had released a solo album "Keep walking down the Steps", composed for G.Rev's Doki Doki Idol Starseeker and Will's Mama-San Volleyball. He had also contributed an arrangement on Masashi Yano's Tobi D+vine soundtrack and had a piece on the recent Technic Beat soundtrack.
He shall be missed. I have several of his Taito and Super Sweep works. It was good while it lasted. Thanks for the great music over the years, Furukawa-san !
It used to be loaded with info, but now it only has a message that he closes down on June 30th.
Tragic to lose a genius so quickly !