brandonk wrote:Check this out: (link)
"The benefits of sunscreen are a myth..."
No no no...!!
First, any site that claims it knows better than basically all dermatologists is bogus. Secondly, as noted (correctly) you need sunlight to produce vitamin D. (Yeah, you can drink your vitamin D milk, but it's not the same.) The point is when you have prolonged exposure to UV radiation you should wear sunscreen. You should not wear sunscreen every single time you step outside for a minute. I read that article you linked and it was not logical, had no scientific evidence nor bearing, and the bottom line was (I quote directly): "Read my book, Natural Health Solutions and the Conspiracy to Keep You From Knowing About Them, to learn the shocking truth..." yeah, the shocking truth is people might believe you!
All doctors will tell you not to expose yourself too long to the Sun, and if you are outside for prolonged periods of time, wear sunscreen. Otherwise you have a very good chance of getting sunburned, and that is a very bad thing. … DSECTION=8
I tend to trust the Mayo Clinic, and they say use sunscreen. Other than that article you linked, I could not find any evidence that sunscreen causes cancer. I did find one article where an MD said that sunscreen could increase skin cancer indirectly -people think they can be outside all day with their sunscreen on, and thus they get exposed to far too much UV, and thus they are more likely to increase cancer. Point is, cancer comes from overexposure to UV radiation. I don't recommend people put chemicals on or in their bodies unless they need to, but I must say that when it comes to applying sunscreen vs overexposure to UV rays, I'm putting on the sunscreen.