Angela Mar 19, 2006 (edited Oct 25, 2006)
So tell me, UK folks..... is this song really still as hot over there as I hear it is? Because it's totally taken over my musical lifestyle, personally. Continuing my trend of seasonal favorites (i.e. songs I play almost everyday for months on end, and then continue to search feverishly for any and all covers of said song, and also going to great lengths to learning it by any instrument I can possibly play) -- "Holding Out For A Hero" being my summer song of 2004, and "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" the summer 2005 -- here we have "I Think We're Alone Now," representing my song for winter 2005. All three sharing the common goal of hailing from the 80s, and being cheesy in the most catchiest way.
Actually, I was a bit confused as to who did the song originally, being such the hit that it was, and there being so many covers. Tiffany Renee Darwisch is the most highly credited artist, as far as internet searches go, but I knew that the song was older than that -- and sung by a male artist. That's when I got confirmation from my own dad that it was indeed Tommy James and The Shondells, and written by Ritchie Cordell, in 1967; Tiffany just made it popular. As the case is, though, I do happen to like Tiffany's version best - that, and her absolutely soaring dance reworking of the song, featured in her 2005 album, "Dust Off And Dance." It's particularly awesome in the fact that she actually re-performed it (superbly, I might add), rather than laying her original voice track on the new arrangement.
Tiffany's I Think We're Alone Now; both 1987 and 2005 versions.