Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

    Pages: 1

Qui-Gon Joe Jul 10, 2008

If this gets localized, day one.  Chibi Robo was one of the Gamecube's best games, and the DS one was pretty awesome as well.  Gotta love Skip.

Qui-Gon Joe Aug 29, 2008

This game is so never getting a US release and that makes me VERY unhappy.  sad

XLord007 Aug 29, 2008

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

This game is so never getting a US release and that makes me VERY unhappy.  sad

I know, it's a shame.  You know this game has no chance when it's so niche that even on a community of people who play weird, quirky stuff, we are the only two who care about it.

    Pages: 1

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