Dais Mar 22, 2006
http://www.vgmworld.com/catalog/index.p … em_num=773
http://www.gmronline.com/info.asp?CatNu … C-00522~24
Is this....for realsies? Is one of the greatest of all SNES soundtracks going to get a proper release, with no stuff cut to make room for noisy "3D Arrange Versions"? I mean, this is just amazing, but it's also......who ASKED for this? Are there still people in Japan who know who Neverland is? Who realize that they are stilling hanging in there and trying to make interesting RPGs and are still turning out good music, even if only once every millenium?
Mind boggling.
Three discs....even if the music is looped twice (HOPE HOPE LOVE LOVE DREAM DREAM), and the 3D Arrange Versions are there....that still leaves some room.....
*cross fingers for high quality rock arrangements of the fourth phantom beast theme and battle 3*
Oh, and if you haven't listened to the music before, you MUST do it now:
http://www.snesmusic.org/v2/profile.php … cted=15666
It's basically Lufia 2 with extra awesome.