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Crash Aug 12, 2008

I was watching some of the swimming events last night, and while they interviewed the winner of the men's backstroke, I could swear I heard some Dynasty Warriors 6 music being played in the background.  This was the theme that plays when you're checking out the encyclopedia, or after winning battles.  I presume this song is based off of some traditional Chinese theme, but it sounded like it was being taken straight from the game.  Am I crazy, or did someone else hear this too?

Idolores Aug 12, 2008

This thread's title lead me to infer something completely different.

Carl Aug 13, 2008

Lu Bu or Cao Cao, who will take home the Gold!!

absuplendous Aug 13, 2008

Wouldn't be the first time game music was used in an Olympic event.

Idolores Aug 13, 2008

Virtual Boot wrote:

Wouldn't be the first time game music was used in an Olympic event.

Enlighten me. When else?

James O Aug 13, 2008 (edited Aug 13, 2008)

I believe I heard a pair of synchronized swimmers used FFVIII's Liberi Fatali as their music during the Atlanta olympics I think?  something like that.

absuplendous Aug 13, 2008 (edited Aug 13, 2008)

In addition to what James mentioned, I also recall an ice-skating routine set to a jazzy Super Mario Bros 2. remix. I don't know if it was an Olympic competition, but then again when else am I going to see ice-skating without purposely seeking it out?

shdwrlm3 Aug 13, 2008

James O wrote:

I believe I heard a pair of synchronized swimmers used FFVIII's Liberi Fatali as their music during the Atlanta olympics I think?  something like that.

It was Athens, and the surprising thing was that it was the US team that used it:

James O Aug 13, 2008

Ah ok they used Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec, in addition to Liberi Fatali then, after watching the video.  The japanese commentators don't make any mention of Final Fantasy (at least that I could hear).  Guess they don't play rpgs heh.

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