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Carl Aug 12, 2008

I was listening to an arcade rip of Quiz & Dragons and it's a shame that it never got an OST release, as there's some little gems in there.

I've always felt that these CPS Arcade boards totally encapsulate what I felt to be the defining sound of "Classic Capcom" and the memories that go along with those sounds.

This little track "Bonus" is like a sprinkle of magic dust, 6 seconds of glorious Capcom Arcade nostalgia wrapped up in a bit-size loop that could go on for hours before I'd get tired of it.

So, anyone else got a little magic vgm morsel that's just a few seconds long but really captures a powerful feeling?

allyourbaseare Aug 12, 2008

That little jingle between ducks on "Duck Hunt" 

I <3 Hirokazu Tanaka.

Zane Aug 12, 2008

Most of those would be just short SFX for me: "Samus Appears Jingle" (Metroid Prime), "Crash" and "Splash" (No More Heroes), "Strike" (Tekken Tag), "Let's Rock (Title)" (Devil May Cry), "GM01 (Stage Start Jingle)" (Viewtiful Joe), "Power Star" (Mario 64), "Stage Clear -Jingle-" (SHINCONTRA)... and the list goes on and on.

Ashley Winchester Aug 12, 2008

allyourbaseare wrote:

That little jingle between ducks on "Duck Hunt"

Yes! That little jingle totally kills.

xanadujin Aug 12, 2008

Cool topic.  Yeah I enjoy the short tunes sometimes too.  I get the feeling Konami has a ton of these, but I can't think any specific right now.  All I can think of is the Double Dragon stage intermission theme, or this, from Rolling Thunder III for Sega Genesis / Mega Drive.  It's the weapon select theme and only 7 seconds long, but totally bad ass.

- Justin Pfeiffer

Ashley Winchester Aug 12, 2008

One of my top choices for a short looping piece would be "Filgaia Summit" from Wild Arms 2. Here's something I wrote about it:

“This just in: Winchester Press quoted as saying Michiko Naruke scores big with engaging Action News-like number. In other news, a recent poll shows while only 96% of Filgaia’s inhabitants fear Ragu O’ Ragula, 100% are more interested in what is up with that freaky new middle initial. Filgaia analysts believe the Full Carrot shortage will be solved in time for the next sequel; Sieje Region scientists suggest that Agile Remote Mission Squads have their crest sorceress mystic such items in the meantime…”

Hahaha. Couldn’t help myself. But in all seriousness there are two scenarios that fill my head when I hear this: the first being a handful of journalist scurrying around with smoke coming out of the ears as they try to find enough news to fill a 24 hour news cycle (not to mention trying to find enough worthless news for the ticker at the bottom of the screen) and the second, as seen in the game as kings, queens and um,… guild masters pound their fists on tables as they discuss treaties, boarders and national security in the name of diplomacy. As for the track itself, it is an obscenely short track with a reserved yet unrelenting pulse, something that is only enhanced though repetition.

layzee Aug 12, 2008 (edited Aug 12, 2008)

Some aren't quite 6 seconds but they loop well enough.

106 From result screen to intermission -First phase- - Chaos Legion Original Soundtrack
I like it when the drums come in halfway.

223 Relief - DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA ~Avatar Tuner~ 1 & 2 Original Sound Track Integral
"Tense" more like it.

214 Short Loop 2 - Grandia Original Soundtracks II
Begins at 0:37, a short and catchy drum loop.

101 welcome to the club - LUMINES remixes
Will loop as long as you stay on the same menu screen (loop changes slightly if you go and stay on a different menu screen).

204 Stage Select - Rockman 3
230 Stage Select - Rockman 4
249 Last Boss - Rockman 4
330 Stage Select - Rockman 6
All songs from Capcom Music Generation Family Computer Soundtracks Rockman 1~6.

02 Stage Select - Rockman 8 Original Soundtrack.
An interesting disco-ish song complete with flashing coloured tiles in the stage select screen.

109 Stage Select 1 - Rockman X
203 Pass Word - Rockman X3
206 Stage Select - Rockman X3
303 Stage Select - Rockman X4
All songs from Capcom Music Generation Rockman X1~6.

36 Hunter Base ~ Going to the front
Stage Select theme again. Love the guitar riff on this one.

231 Result - Shadow Hearts Original Soundtracks plus1

113 Encounter
132 Level Up (Akira Volume)
All songs from Shin Megami Tensei Sound Collection.

102 History Unfolds - Soul Calibur II Original Soundtrack

203 Driving Beats - Tekken 5 & Tekken Dark Resurrection Original Soundtrack

102 Rival And Course Select (Maxi1 Version)
203 Rival And Course Select (Maxi2 Version)
All songs from Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 Original Soundtrack.

xanadujin Aug 12, 2008

I like that Taito one.

Here's another one of my faves, Round and Round from Side Pocket for Sega Genesis / Mega Drive.  It's the results screen theme and 10 seconds in length.  Something about it is so charming, I've always loved it.

- Justin Pfeiffer

Nick G Aug 12, 2008 (edited Aug 12, 2008)

"Promote (Name Entry)" from Blazing Star. I win!!!

As for my choices, here are a few with approximate lengths per loop:

stage BGM / Twin Eagle (:24)
theme for floors 10-19 from Fatal Labyrinth (:08)
Stage Clear: Report from Destroyer / Omega Five (:18)
MECHANICAL PETRIFACTION ~ Ranking / Great Mahou Daisakusen (:20)
just about everything from Ghostbusters for Genesis

I could go on and on.

Ashley Winchester Aug 12, 2008

To add to the Rockman pics above I got to mention "Demo 1" and "Get a Weapon" from X4.

SonicPanda Aug 13, 2008

Megaman X3's stage intro, this little beauty here:

No matter how many times I play the game, I don't skip it. I was deeply disappointed when I found the version on X Collection did away with it for That Same Damned MM Stage Intro Theme, Again.

Carl Aug 13, 2008

Alcahest wrote:

+100 points to whoever finds where it comes from ^^

Nick G wrote:

"Promote (Name Entry)" from Blazing Star. I win!!!

Nick's close enough, although he misread the screen and combined 04 RETURN (Name Entry) with 03 Promote (Select), hehe.   Yep it's Blazing Star though  smile

Everyone's had some nice selections for the most part, yay.

Nick G Aug 13, 2008

Carl wrote:

Nick's close enough, although he misread the screen and combined 04 RETURN (Name Entry) with 03 Promote (Select), hehe.   Yep it's Blazing Star though  smile

Hmm... I think one of us has a mistagged file or two. I just checked the CD itself and it lists track 4 as "Promote". I'll still split the points with you tongue

Carl Aug 14, 2008

you're right, it was my filenames that got switched

Ashley Winchester Aug 16, 2008

I was thinking about this topic at work tonight and I thought of another track to add though it may be pretty obscure.

Does anyone recall the character select theme from Gundam Wing Endless Duel on the SFC? I really dug that track and the vs screen that followed. I really need to get the spc set and make me a dub of those.

Shoe Aug 16, 2008

Carl wrote:

So, anyone else got a little magic vgm morsel that's just a few seconds long but really captures a powerful feeling?

On the mini-cd that comes with BIOHAZARD 2 COMPLETE TRACK, they include the fanfare when you Press Start for EX MODE (not to be confused with the 4th SURVIVOR fanfare, which is cool too but not quite as good as the EX MODE Game Start.

Kicks meh taxidermy-hobbyin' a$$ ev'ry time i hear it 'cause it's so jarringly cool..

Shoe Aug 16, 2008

Nick G wrote:

"Promote (Name Entry)" from Blazing Star. I win!!!


xanadujin Aug 25, 2008 (edited Aug 25, 2008)

Got a couple more gems here.  Both from Super Famicom games.  These lengths are stretching it a bit, but they're very close.

First is Close Your Eyes from Seiken Densetsu 2.  It's almost an 8 second loop, but the second strain has a slight variation on the end of the melody, making it technically a 16-17 loop.  It's still one of the best short themes ever though.  Very melodic and Kikuta-ish.

Next is Battle Option from Super Bomberman 3.  If it weren't for the variation after the second loop, it would be a 5 second loop song.  However, it does have a distinct ending after looping twice, making it a 21 second song altogether, but that's still pretty short.  There are also a couple weird sound effects in the official second loop that weren't in the first, but whatever, those shouldn't count. smile  It's a remix of one of the classic Bomberman themes, all funked out with groovy beat.  It's hard to believe this is coming from the SFC's chip.  I could listen to this over and over again.

- Justin Pfeiffer

Carl Aug 25, 2008

Oh yeah I absolutely adore that SD2 sleep theme as well, totally a classic.

Namco time: The Xevious BGM would have to be the Granddaddy of all vgm loops, clocking in at 3 history-making seconds which completely defined the 80s, but I tend to get very tired of it quickly though.

The Rally-X BGM is way more tolerable.

xanadujin Aug 25, 2008

Heh, I actually like the Xevious theme better.

This topic rules!  Here's another of my favorites: Getufu from Shinobi III for Mega Drive.  I think it was a story interlude theme.  8 seconds.

- Justin Pfeiffer

Sami Sep 8, 2008

There are a number of great jingles, but the only loop matching the description that I can think of is the final boss music in Megaman 4, which is simply fantastic, whether NES original or arrange. In just 11 seconds, it manages to capture that Megaman theme, give a sense of excitement and grandeur, and be a kickass final boss music. Now that I think about it, the Megaman NES series also has some other short but sweet loops in places like the select screen, but the MM4 last boss theme really stands out.

layzee May 29, 2009

More love for the short tracks.

The King of Fighters NeoGeo's Soundtrack 10th Anniversary Memorial Box
04 Waving Select (Team Select) (4 sec loop)
First time I heard the KoF95 character select song was the Game Boy version. It sounded good enough for me to actively look for it on the OST.

03 ORDER (Player Select) (8 sec loop)
Another character select song (from KoF97), mostly here for nostalgic purposes.

34 X (Before Boss Order Select) (10 sec loop)
From KoF98.

03 Nests Restructuring Plan's Theme (Control Explanation BGM) (8 sec loop)
From KoF2001.

The King of Fighters 2003 Original Sound Tracks
03 Select (Player Select) (10sec loop)
04 Stage Effect 1 (Stage Screen IN ~ Fight) (~3 sec loop)

The King of Fighters 2003 Arrange Tracks Consumer Version
03 Select (Player Select) (10sec loop)
04 Stage Effect 1 (Stage Screen In ~ Fight) (~3 sec loop)
Yes, I find that sound effect interesting.

Konami Famicom Music Memorial Best Vol.3
16 It Fights! Believe in the Power of Love (12 sec loop)
A boss battle theme from Ai Senshi Nicol, a Famicom Disk System game by Konami. And S.S.H. did a pretty good arrange of this. In fact, that's how I found out about this game and song in the first place.

Phantasy Star 1st Series Complete Album
09 Encount (2 sec intro, 0.5 sec loop)
Pre-Battle song from Phantasy Star III.

Ninja Ryuukenden II: Ankoku no Jashin Ken
Cutscene music after completing first stage (10 sec loop)
No official soundtrack I believe.

Capcom Music Generation Rockman X1~6
19 Boss 1 (6 sec loop)
Boss intro song from Rockman X.
41 Another Boss 1 (3 sec loop)
Opening stage boss intro song from Rockman X2.
17 Boss 1 (6 sec loop)
Boss intro song from Rockman X3.

SNK VS. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS Original Soundtrack
04 Fate ~Fate's Scene~ (2 sec intro, 0.5 sec loop)
Pre-Fight character dialogue exchange song.

X-Men VS. Street Fighter
10 PLAYER SELECT (6 sec loop)

Angela May 29, 2009

Having been ensconced in the Punch-Out!! Wii experience this past week, there's now no denying my coolest six second loop: the "Get Up, Mac!" ditty, which was first featured in the NES original. 

There's no shortage of variations in the Wii version, either.  Over nineteen at least, but the "Major Circuit Theme" version is my personal fave:

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