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Ashley Winchester Sep 8, 2008

Recently I've been looking for a copy of Skid Row's 1991 album "Slave to the Grind." Considering this was a pretty popular album one would think this wouldn't be a hard thing to find. Hell, they have a bunch of copies at my local music store.

But it *is* hard to find... why?

Basically, there are two versions of Slave to the Grind. The normal, explicit version and the edited version. As silly as it seems, I want the edited version because when I was 8 I bought the tape at K Mart and it has a track called "Beggar's Day" instead of "Get the F&%k Out" that is on the explicit version. Outiside this stupid song the f-bomb is only dropped once on the entire album and it isn't cut out on the edited version.

My question is was it really worth making two additions of this album just to release a stupid song like "Get the F&%k Out" that only young people would find of any value in because they think swearing is cute/cool? By contrast, "Beggar's Day" is a good track that is a excellent addition to a very well rounded album. Wouldn't it have been a smarter (and less costly) to make the album accessable to everyone by omitting "Get the F&%k Out"?

The bad news is considering the album was released in 1991 the edited version is no longer in print and I was forced to go on ebay to find it. Granted, it was very inexpensive but I rather have gotten a new copy.

Anyway, I know this is a stupid rant - and I found the version I wanted - but I found this very annoying.

longhairmike Sep 8, 2008

back in high school, your cool rating went up if you had more tapes with the parental advisory stickers on the cases

ever see the SNL epidode with skid row? it was fall '91 sometime...

GoldfishX Sep 8, 2008 (edited Sep 8, 2008)

That's...actually my favorite Skid Row song. Mindless, crude, tuneful fun that's always nice to bust out on grandma and relax after a tense day (or to play for unwanted company and hope they get the hint). ;p But yeah, the way they did Slave to the Grind with the two songs, is kinda dumb.

I did make the lovely mistake of getting a copy of "Saints of Los Angeles" and missing seeing the "edited" sticker on it. Um, yeah...did the people who did this think people wouldn't notice there's supposed to be lyrics in those awkwardly placed fades? Another reason why Wal-Mart is total fail (to go along with the crappy artist selection and too many greatest hits garbage).

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