Jodo Kast Sep 12, 2008
I was thinking that the worst possible thing can not happen to me. I have read about people getting hands, legs and feet amputated, but never heads. I felt a strange pain on the outside of my ear today, above the lobe, on the piece that is more anterior.
A few days ago I went to the ear doctor to get impacted ear wax removed, which tends to rest against my eardrum and messes with my hearing. The doctor told me that my left ear was in worse condition and had some inflammation. So I thought the strange pain I felt today was somehow related to my earwax removal. I got out of the shower and pulled the anterior piece forward to take a look. It exploded like a zit and scared the hell out of me. I quickly cleaned it up and then, purposely squeezed. Blood came out from two holes, very near each other. About the distance I often see in the spacing of spider fangs. There is very little doubt as to whom the perpetrator is. I really doubt, however, that it was a brown recluse because the skin is not necrotic (it was bleeding profusely). But that doesn't mean it wasn't - the venom can circulate through the blood rather than remain at the wound site.
My first thought was that a brown recluse got me and how lucky it was I got bit on my head. They're not going to amputate my head. Of that I am quite certain. I eventually calmed down and realized that brown recluses aren't my only cohabitants; I have some wolf spiders and the one with long fangs. I did a search of my condo and nothing turned up, not even anything in the 30 traps I have lying around.