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GoldfishX Sep 13, 2008

I'm tempted to throw out Chargeman's theme as both my favorite MM track and overall favorite. It's definitely worthy of consideration. But Metalman vs Dr. Wily 1 would be interesting...Metalman on top by a small amount for me.

My favorite overall though is a surprise choice from a rather lousy OST: Bonus Track 2, from the War-Zard OST, which is kind of an upgrade of Leo's Theme. This is just one of the those doesn't get old, I want to hear it again after it's over, the synth is awesome (hence the upgraded version) and the melody is absolutely perfect. I'm not kidding when I say I've meant to sell my War-Zard OST for about 7 years now and I can't because of this track (and this track alone).

Other close (and I mean CLOSE) contenders:

Holy Orders (Guilty Gear X: Heavy Rock Tracks)
Keep Yourself Alive (Guilty Gear Original Sound Collection)
Sensation (Salamander 2)
Chargeman (MM5)
Battle on the Big Bridge (FFV)
Danger Zone (Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap)

I was always into the sound of old-school action games than RPG's or the atmospheric nature of a lot of newer action games. Concentrating more on them helps zoom on my longterm favorites, as opposed to something I'll like and then lose interest in within a week.

Angela Sep 14, 2008

Daniel K wrote:
SonicPanda wrote:
Ashley Winchester wrote:

You know, I'm really surprised no one said "Wily Stage 1" from Rockman 2 considering it's a pretty famous piece.

I considered it

Personally, I think Metal Man's stage theme is the best MM2 piece. Even on such a stellar soundtrack, it manages to own all the other themes hard.

Best MM2 piece?  Flash Man or bust.

jmj20320514 Sep 14, 2008

"Spanish Flea" by Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass.

No, wait...

Daniel K Sep 14, 2008

Look who's back in town! jmj, what do you think of The Last Sucker? IMO, their best since Psalm 69, pure awesomeness (which just makes it extra sad that there won't be any more studio albums from them sad).

jmj20320514 Sep 14, 2008

Good to see you're still up and at 'em too, DK.

Sorry to disappoint, but I listened to The Last Sucker twice before writing off Ministry completely. Things had been going steadily downhill since Animositisomina and I knew that Mr. Jourgensen had become too much of a grandpa to start putting out stuff like The Mind is a Terrible Thing To Taste (Ministry's best work, IMHO) again. Besides, albums about Bush are going to show their age pretty quickly in the coming years and I don't think I'll be wanting to hear any more about it. wink

Sorry for the minor threadjacking. Still alive, tho.

Idolores Sep 14, 2008

Angela wrote:
Daniel K wrote:
SonicPanda wrote:

I considered it

Personally, I think Metal Man's stage theme is the best MM2 piece. Even on such a stellar soundtrack, it manages to own all the other themes hard.

Best MM2 piece?  Flash Man or bust.


Daniel K Sep 14, 2008

jmj20320514 wrote:

Sorry to disappoint, but I listened to The Last Sucker twice before writing off Ministry completely. Things had been going steadily downhill since Animositisomina and I knew that Mr. Jourgensen had become too much of a grandpa to start putting out stuff like The Mind is a Terrible Thing To Taste (Ministry's best work, IMHO) again. Besides, albums about Bush are going to show their age pretty quickly in the coming years and I don't think I'll be wanting to hear any more about it. wink

Really? That was surprising to hear, I thought I read somewhere that you liked Rio Grande Blood, but I might have confused you with someone else, then.

I definitely agree that the "Bush"-thing is gonna age the last three albums quickly in term of lyrical content and zeitgeist, but IMO if you look past that, the music is great. The late 90s/early 00s albums (Filthpig, Dark Side... , Animositisomina) never really clicked for me, they had an unfocused and meandering quality, I thought. The Last Sucker really surprised me with it's ferocity and power, and if you only listened to it twice I recommend giving it another shot. As for The Mind is... , I'd rate it second, after The Land of Rape and Honey. Ministry were definitely at their creative peak in the late 80s.

Nice to see you back, stop by more often. You know this place - always a shortage of good taste here, so anything to counterbalance that is welcome. wink

Thread derailing complete. tongue

Xieek Sep 15, 2008

Nice choice, Zorbfish!

At the moment, I might be tempted to say Deep Sea Ruins (FF X).

Pellasos Sep 16, 2008

Angela wrote:

And then there were the days where I would just sit and doodle Double Dragon drawings with that tape's music on -- or the NES or Sega Master System playing the game's theme in the background.  (I remember liking the SMS version a lot; if I recall, they played the theme on the title screen, but cut the song mercilessly short -- and then I had no choice but to tough it out to Mission 4 all the way up to Willy just to hear the theme in full.  And for some strange reason, I don't think I ever recorded that version.)

thats funny stuff there. i made some billy and jimmy drawings in about the same timeframe. i can clearly see me sitting in school, drawing two rather flat looking fighters. so whats more important?

no man-boobies for me though.

about the poll: theme of grandia could be placed there. i think its optimistic, cheerful and fits the theme perfectly. it never gets old.

Razakin Sep 16, 2008

Thankfully I had answered to thread similar like this in Chudah's Corner's forums, so I just copypaste my post from there:

Hitoshi Sakimoto's Power Supply Building [2-07 電力供給ビル] from Breath Of Fire V Dragon Quarter Original Soundtrack.

Too bad that I can't express myself why this is the best vgm song for me. It's so good that word's aren't enough for it.

Also, Michiko Naruke's To the End of the Wilderness [1-01 荒野の果てへ] from Wild Arms is a damn solid runner up for the best vgm song. Track that gives me such a nostalgic feeling, and also nowadays, makes me sentimental. If only I could go back to the time when I first played this game. Thankfully, probably gonna be able to play this gem again, if I can get over the wonderful opening animation.

Just replace best as favorite. Also, checking my profle, Fujimori's Battle Train from Shin Contra OST would be one runner up, and Hibino's (Wasn't it said somewhere that Hibino composed those healing tracks in MGS3?) Old Metal Gear from MGS 3 OST.

And sure, I'm missing lots of classics, like Magical Sound Shower, Ending from Rockman 3, Adam from G-Darius, even The Man with the Machine Gun from FF VIII (Of course, the classic status on these two tracks can be discussed).

Megavolt Sep 16, 2008

Razakin wrote:

Hitoshi Sakimoto's Power Supply Building [2-07 電力供給ビル] from Breath Of Fire V Dragon Quarter Original Soundtrack.

Too bad that I can't express myself why this is the best vgm song for me. It's so good that word's aren't enough for it.

I don't think you need to express it.  The track speaks for itself.  It's always been one of my top favorites as well.  The development of the track is straight up masterful.  It's a remarkable mood setting track with an emotional component to it.  I guess those words are as good as any. tongue

Ashley Winchester Sep 17, 2008

Razakin wrote:

Also, Michiko Naruke's To the End of the Wilderness [1-01 荒野の果てへ] from Wild Arms is a damn solid runner up for the best vgm song. Track that gives me such a nostalgic feeling, and also nowadays, makes me sentimental. If only I could go back to the time when I first played this game. Thankfully, probably gonna be able to play this gem again, if I can get over the wonderful opening animation.

Love this track but can they stop trying to slap some variation of it into every WA game? It's not like it's the freakin FF prelude... when this song plays I think of the first Wild Arms and the first Wild Arms only. When I think of Wild Arms 2 I think of "You're Not Alone" etc, etc...

Razakin Sep 17, 2008

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Love this track but can they stop trying to slap some variation of it into every WA game? It's not like it's the freakin FF prelude... when this song plays I think of the first Wild Arms and the first Wild Arms only. When I think of Wild Arms 2 I think of "You're Not Alone" etc, etc...

Can't remember that playing much in the other series, except partly melodies. Thought, I've only played first and third, but then, quickly checking, there is Detonator version so you're probably right, care to do me a favor and tell me those variations are in the soundtracks.

Bah, thanks to skipping tracks today on Foobar (the problems of having too much music, you rarely find stuff you really want to listen on that moment), found another track that I really do dig, Rockman Zero 2's Awakening Will. The original version, Remastered version and the vocal version, all apply.

Crash Sep 17, 2008

"Whom the Gods Favor" from The Legend of Dragon Slayers.  It's just an epic piece that summarizes all that is great and wonderful about one of the greatest game scores of all time, Sorcerian.

allyourbaseare Sep 17, 2008

Back from Alaska, will post about that later.

Going by my first instincts, I would say "Solitude" by Masashi Hamauzu.  The piece worked extraordinarily well in-context and maintains the same mood and feel when listened to by itself.  One of his few pieces (if not the only) that uses a singular instrument.   Given his penchant for intricate piano work, this guitar piece is a really nice surprise.

Music4Games Sep 17, 2008

"Jack's Theme" from HEADHUNTER composed by Richard Jacques. Still sends shivers down my spine. I was fortunate enough to attend the recording session at Abbey Road Studios. Great driving music!

xanadujin Sep 20, 2008

Jodo Kast wrote:
Angela wrote:

One November day, I went out with my handheld tape recorder and recorded the theme at the drugstore

It still stuns me when I read about people recording music from games. I'll never forget DJ Pretzel's story about Alex Kidd. He recorded it to tape and would listen to it while his parents drove him to school. It's just unreal that other people also do this. It's so isolated from mainstream behavior that I tend to disbelieve other people actually do it. It's easy to believe you are the only one that does it.

Agreed that the Double Dragon theme is a true classic.  That game holds deep meaning for me as well, and I absolutely adore Super Double Dragon for SFC. 

I was a VGM tape-recording maniac back in the day.  At one point time I must have had over 30 game soundtracks on tape and used to listen to them before I went to bed.  I recorded them directly from the speaker of the TV early on, then through line-out cords once I knew a bit more about audio.  I did a lot of crazy RPG projects, including FF IV, Secret of Mana, and many games for the Genesis.  RPGs were the hardest.  Getting the timing down of when the theme started was a pain.  I must have spent hours reloading my saves to make those tapes perfect.  But taking a tape player TO the convenience store to record the music directly from the arcade takes the cake. smile  DJ Pretzel's story is pretty awesome too.  I guess we aren't alone.

Funny, I too made my own Double Dragon comic series.  I also did a Ninja Gaiden series, a Punch-out series, a TMNT series, and one inspired by Contra called “Amazon Bros.” tongue

- Justin Pfeiffer

Brandon Sep 20, 2008

My favorite is Takayuki Hattori's arrangement of the title theme from Legend of Heroes on Falcom Neo Classic. He took so much artistic liberty with it, though, that I'm not sure it can really be called VGM anymore. Interestingly, my second favorite is Scene V from the Final Fantasy Symphonic Suite, arranged by...Takayuki Hattori. I'd never made that connection until just now. I should look into his original compositions.

In terms of actual game music, I'd probably go with the ending theme from Final Fantasy VIII.

TheGazelMinistry Sep 29, 2008 (edited Sep 29, 2008)

I have to name two; I couldn't name just one.

1. Dancing with DomZ
2. One Winged Angel (original version)

Grassie Sep 30, 2008

I think my current favourite is "Got to Move Here" by kt2. I just recently started to listen to his music, which somehow always fits my mood. Goes well with both mania, depression and everything in between. Perfect for buss rides.

Follow-ups would be "The Fate" by Yoshitaka Hirota, "Land of Promise" by Motoi Sakuraba, "yaketa hizashi" by feel and "Round Sheep" by Yoko Kanno. I guess. Bah, forget it. All these songs are randomly selected.

Kilu Oct 6, 2008

Possibly Brain Hopper from Shadow Hearts.

Soto Dec 11, 2008

I get to be "that guy" who bumps a dead thread, but hey, maybe someone's favorite-of-the-moment has changed, so why not.  I only came upon this thread when searching for more info on the mysterious kt2...

For-the-moment -- Shoji Meguro, "The Sun," DDS2

Other recent ones -- Uematsu, "New Continent," FFVI...KKC, "Iron Blue Intention," Dracula Battle 2...Miki Higashino, "An Old Irish Song," Genso Suikoden...Sota Fujimori, "End of the World," Elder Gate and "Burning Combat," Gungage (man I wish this guy would step back from bemani again)

Yuvraj Dec 12, 2008

Love these threads:)

Phantasy Star Sound Collection's 'Field Medley' had been my favorite piece for a long time. Though I hardly listen to it nowadays, it's still the pinnacle of pure classic vgm synth rock for me. Other tracks which I couldn't do without:

FFVII Main Theme -- Final Fantasy VII
Blue Moon (Proloque) -- Brandish VT (midi version)
In the Wind -- Gradius III
The One is Torn Apart - Xenogears
Flashback Memory -- Gungage
To Far Away Times -- Chrono Trigger

Soto wrote:

Sota Fujimori, "End of the World," Elder Gate and "Burning Combat," Gungage (man I wish this guy would step back from bemani again)

So do I, so do I. Don't see it happening though; he became popular through his trance work and most of his fans (judging from these forums and seem to almost completely disregard his older stuff.

Boyblunder Dec 12, 2008

People may say this is a very generic choice, but without a doubt its Uematsu's "The Extreme" from FFVIII.
It still gives me goose pimples when it gets going. It's absolutely masterful.

Daniel K Dec 12, 2008

Soto wrote:

I get to be "that guy" who bumps a dead thread, but hey, maybe someone's favorite-of-the-moment has changed

Alright, time for another round! smile Right now, my favs are "I Need" from No Reality OST and "The Man on the Roof" from Abandoner OST, both by the fabulous kt2. Very beautiful pieces...

Soto wrote:

I only came upon this thread when searching for more info on the mysterious kt2...

There's a kt2 thread with an interview a few pages down.

Soto Dec 12, 2008

Daniel K wrote:
Soto wrote:

I only came upon this thread when searching for more info on the mysterious kt2...

There's a kt2 thread with an interview a few pages down.

Did find that.  Seems like an interesting artist.  Thus far I've only heard that Works 2001-2006 CD she has up but she certainly has some talent.

Daniel K Dec 12, 2008

Soto wrote:

Thus far I've only heard that Works 2001-2006 CD she has up but she certainly has some talent.

I think kt2 is a "he". Nemo's just fooling around in that thread, if you go to kt2's profile, he states his sex as "male". Also, on kt2's artist page he's put up many of his albums for free download (legally). It might be the best way to go, since the CDs are quite rare now (with the exception of "No Reality OST" it seems, that one is all over Yahoo! Japan).

Soto Dec 12, 2008

Daniel K wrote:

I think kt2 is a "he". Nemo's just fooling around in that thread, if you go to kt2's profile, he states his sex as "male". Also, on kt2's artist page he's put up many of his albums for free download (legally). It might be the best way to go, since the CDs are quite rare now (with the exception of "No Reality OST" it seems, that one is all over Yahoo! Japan).

Eh, he/she/it/sh-it, so long as their music is good it doesn't matter.  smile

I think History Repeats Itself and Lost Child Infinia are still available from, but since I have yet to master the Japanese language I haven't the fogiest idea if they just have the page still up.  Thanks for the link though, I can do with more kt2 goodness.

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