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Alex Sep 26, 2008

Speaking of particular instruments in games, I've been wracking my brain for the past few days trying to remember what game scores use accordion in them, even for just a single track.  I've come up with a handful like Earthworm Jim and Medal of Honor Underground, but I was wondering what others come to mind for the rest of you.  Any ideas?

allyourbaseare Sep 26, 2008

I don't know if you're looking for accordian in the foreground or more as an accompanyment, but I do remember there's a good track off of the "Death Smiles" album - "Lost Forest."  It's a little ways in, but a great song overall.

Cedille Sep 26, 2008 (edited Sep 26, 2008)

Mind us mentioning bandoneon or concertina as well?

"Feltschlacht IV" from Saga Frontier II comes to mind first as the best track.

EDIT:some of these tracks may not fit what you want...

"Conglomerate Alliance TENPA" from Ar tonelico
"Inquisitive Waltz" from Klonoa
"Guardia Millenial Fair" from Chrono Trigger
"Tozas" from Final Fantasy III DS
"Ruins of Madain Sari" from Final Fantasy IX
"Gagazet Mountain" from Final Fantasy X-2
"Bustle Of The Capital" from Final Fantasy XI
"Battle Theme IV" , "Theme for Judy" (the true name of this track would be "Feel Uneasy About the Wonders" though) from Unlimited Saga
"Battle in the Labyrinth City ~ Second" from Odin Sphere
"Shop" from Stella Deus
"Chikuridori", "Invisible Toy Box", "Flower Dance" from Hako no Niwa

Rimo Sep 26, 2008

If you don't mind pirate music, that's one good direction to investigate for accordion. Here's some soundtracks which feature the instrument:

- Voodoo Vince - "Jean Lafitte's Ship"
- The Curse of Monkey Island - "A Pirate I Was Meant to Be"
- Herdy Gerdy - "The Beachfarm"
- Overboard! - "Menu"

SonicPanda Sep 26, 2008

Delfino Square from Mario Sunshine leaps to mind.

Daniel K Sep 26, 2008

Rimo wrote:

- The Curse of Monkey Island - "A Pirate I Was Meant to Be"

Arrr, that be one classic pirate shanty! Look here, matey.

TerraEpon Sep 26, 2008

There's also of course the arranged version of the waltz on FFV Dear Friends. IIRC there's one in FFVI Grand Finale, but I may be misremembering.

Amazingu Sep 27, 2008

Well, pretty much the entirety of the Professor Layton series is made up of Accordeon music, so you should definitely look there.

layzee Sep 27, 2008

30 Town - Tenchi Souzou Creative Soundtracks

KujaFFman Sep 27, 2008 (edited Sep 27, 2008)

TerraEpon wrote:

There's also of course the arranged version of the waltz on FFV Dear Friends. IIRC there's one in FFVI Grand Finale, but I may be misremembering.

I don't think Grand Finale has accordion, but it does have a bagpipe.

Hamauzu used accordion in Coi Vanni Gialli (the Chocobo's Dungeon arranged album), in "L'ILLUSION". Romancing SaGa: La Romance has one too, indeed ("Echoppes autour de la ville", "Perdu dans la forêt", "Tango du pays des frontiers"...), and so does Romancing SaGa PS2 ("Passionate Eyes, Captivating Dance -Barbara-").

You can find accordion in some Celtic albums as well. Creid comes to mind (the second part of "BALTO", especially). Also, "Imprisoned Town" from Genso Suikoden II Orrizonte, "Beautiful Grasslands" from Genso Suikoden Celtic Collection, "Forgotten Days" and "Green Gravestone" from Genso Suikoden Celtic Collection 2. These are some personal favorites.

Xieek Sep 27, 2008

Coba's "La Mer" for Suikoden IV is a notable example.

Alex Sep 27, 2008

Wow, those are some brilliant suggestions -- thanks everyone!  I actually recently heard Voodoo Vince and Curse of Monkey Island (one of my favorite games), so I was glad to get my memory jogged on those, but I'm working my way through the others mentioned here and there's some great stuff so far.  Another track I remembered is the tango from Grim Fandango -- you can barely hear the accordion in the background, but it adds some great atmosphere.  And yeah, I was counting concertina and other squeezebox-type instruments too.  I wouldn't have thought to look for accordion in Celtic albums, but I'll definitely check those out too.  Thanks again, and I'll be glad to hear if you come up with any more!

XISMZERO Sep 28, 2008

How about the Bandoneón? Look for the Genso Suikoden IV Another World album.

TerraEpon Sep 28, 2008

There's a bandoneon in the track 'Moonlight Tango'  on Dark Chronicle arranged -- unsurprisingly, realy tongue

Ephidel Sep 28, 2008 (edited Sep 28, 2008)

Isn't the music inside the Windmill in Ocarina of Time an Accordion?

You know, where you learn the Song of Storms!

I'd have thought that was the most well-known example in gaming! >_<

Brandon Sep 28, 2008

Is that supposed to be an accordion in Daedal's Organ from Legend of Mana? It doesn't sound like an organ to me.

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