allyourbaseare Jul 6, 2009
I made the Hitler Mii so I could have my Jesus Mii beat the shit out of him
That's probably the funniest thing I've read today.
I made the Hitler Mii so I could have my Jesus Mii beat the shit out of him
That's probably the funniest thing I've read today.
And to Sonic, I did forget to offer some advice on Soda Popinsky TD.
Thanks, but shortly after that post I popped it back on and finally got him. Also took down Bald Bull (who was a beast - multiple tries, and finally got him in a 6-2 knockdown count, Round 3) and Super Macho (who was a total chump - Round 1 TKO for pity's sake, though his little 8-second surf-rock cinema theme is my favorite tune in the game), which of course leaves you-know-who. I get what I need to do pretty well (I can get him to first knockdown without getting hit), my problem is if things go a little wrong, they go a LOT wrong fast. When he goes psycho after a few knockdowns...mon dieu. Best fight intro ever, by the by.
Cleared TD a while ago, and have been working on Exhibition challenges (up to 65 total so far, with all of Contender completed) to prep for Last Stand. If I only get 3 chances, I want to make sure I've got these suckers cold, you know? Pity I'll never get to play against Doc, but what're you gonna do?
Heh, I finally went ahead and consumed the Doc Louis chocolate bar; all of his quirky-ass quips in the game broke down my curiosity. Wasn't bad for three month old candy, and it was pretty tasty milk chocolate. A bit hard to chew, though.
Seems both you and I have been the the only ones playing the game seriously, SonicPanda. Have you given Last Stand mode a try yet?
Have you also settled on any particular fighters you enjoy taking on? I think my fave is a toss-up between Great Tiger TD and Sandman TD. I love the Simon-Says mentality of Great Tiger, and finding out how to get Stars amidst all of the color-shifting attacks is mucho fun. (On an oft-related topic, remember the game Simon? That was one sweet toy.) Sandman is just terrific for the sheer taxing of reflexes. I love how they pretty much transferred most of Mike Tyson's traits from the original NES game over to him. I make few attempts at netting Stars here, and instead opt for traditional stick and move defense. It's a thrill!
I'd be playing more, but my little brother, aged 13 now, missed out on the series growing up with it being too behind his age bracket. So I lent my copy of Punch-Out!! to him along with a flash drive full of roms for SNES (and emulator, of course). He seems to thoroughly enjoy it.
Finished it about a month ago. It's undoubtedly my choice for wii game of the year with Little King's Story coming a close second. I'm too chicken to lose 3 times in last stand mode, even though I'm dying to see the retirement video clip. I can't put Little Mac through all the pain and suffering...
btw..in honor of my favorite Nes Punch-Out opponent.. "Flamenco strikes back!!! Return of Don!!" I'm looking at you Angela..
I'm too chicken to lose 3 times in last stand mode, even though I'm dying to see the retirement video clip.
Youtube: hangin' up the gloves so you don't have to.
The final variation of the "Retire" theme is just wonderful here.
angelbum22 wrote:I'm too chicken to lose 3 times in last stand mode, even though I'm dying to see the retirement video clip.
Youtube: hangin' up the gloves so you don't have to.
The final variation of the "Retire" theme is just wonderful here.
*sniff* It was just as painful as I imagined. Little Mac deserved to go out on top. Why can't they let him retire in a happy way?? Is there no compassion?! He's only 17 years old for christsake!! He should be in school!! They can't do this to him!!.........................i hope they make a sequel. On a side note, I agree the retirement theme is pretty great, it made the scene much more emotional.
"I can't drive..So I'm gonna walk all over you."
Pity I'll never get to play against Doc, but what're you gonna do?
Seems people are putting their exclusive codes up on eBay. Buy It Now prices appear to be between $25 to $40. I'm contemplating whether or not I should fess up for it.
The modes include Warm-up, Training, and Sparring -- respectively practice, the normal fight, and Title Defense equivalents of the retail game. Check out some footage:
I'm contemplating whether or not I should fess up for it.
If you're thinking about buying it off of someone, I'd be happy to take your money. I haven't used my code yet, and I'd gladly sell it.
This is a fun one I recently picked up...been playing it here and there...I am stuck on Soda Popinsky - man he's fast...
This is a fun one I recently picked up...been playing it here and there...I am stuck on Soda Popinsky - man he's fast...
Contender or Title Defense? He's wickedly fast on TD, almost to the point where memorization makes the fight a whole lot easier. He follows a very strict pattern, which I actually took the time to jot down. Check it out:
Where "D" means to dodge down from his quick side swing, and "L" means to dodge left (or right, it doesn't matter) from his uppercut.
Knock-down 1:
D, D, L, L, D, D (At this point, he'll perform his soda drinking taunt. Knock it out of his hand, then avoid his rage uppercuts and counter. Unfortunately, his rage uppercuts are randomized in terms of how many times he swings, so you'll have to take the necessary steps to telegraph them properly. He usually does 3 or 4 here, though.) Finally, do one more "D" to earn your first knock-down. Avoid the temptation to use the Star Punch you've just earned - it can ruin the entire flow of the fight.
Knock-down 2:
Rage Uppercut (usually 4 or 5 swings). D, D, L, L. (Again, don't use your Star Punch.)
Knock-down 3:
Rage Uppercut (usually 5 or 6 swings). D, D, L, L. (At this point, you can use the Star Punch to deliver the finishing blow.)
Follow this to the tee, and you can nail him in the first round. And without getting hit once. Good luck!
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