allyourbaseare Oct 15, 2008
I didn't see its own topic and having arrived late (really late, so sue me) to the party, I wanted to make a topic to discuss all things LO.
Me? I'm at the second disc and while the game is a visual and audio feast, I can't help but notice alot of stuff that would've made the game somewhat better.
1) Why does it take so damned long to start a battle? It's like 10~15 seconds. That, and the enemies' animations sometimes are a couple of seconds as well.
2) Framerate? Especially when loading the battle.
3) Character models are generally good (if not great) but what's with Ming's boobs? Those things look plastic. BLECH.
...that isn't to say that I'm not enjoying myself immensely. I am. Nobuo Uemastu hasn't sounded this good in a while. Even if most of the OST is filler, the man still knows how to nail a good town theme (i.e. The Capital of Numara) and even the "boss" music takes me back to his heydays in Final Fantasy IV. Great stuff.
Call me crazy, but I really enjoy having Cooke and Mack on my team. Mack reminds me of my little nephew so it hits another chord with me. Is Cooke's voice the same as Phil and Lil (Rugrats)?
Oh, and Jansen. Mind you, I'm only on the second disc so I have yet to see what develops with him, but as far as a "comedy relief" role, he fills it very well and I'm liking him more and more ("Just gimme 15 minutes. 15 for you, 15 for you.. and, and 15 for you!! So yeah, um, 45 minutes and I'll be good!" ). Some things sound a little forced, but coming from Japanese developers, they've captured the essence of an aloof man very well.