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Angela Oct 27, 2008

MyGameMug has a survey which sizes up what sort of gamer you are based on a number of questions: 

My results hit pretty close to the home, I think:


The Daredevil - Reckless Competitive Fun Veteran (RCFV):
When playing video games, you look for excitement and excitement only - any game that doesn't offer it, gets pushed to the side. You are the Daredevil and you play games for the thrill. You have probably been gaming for quite awhile and one thing you have learned is that the high that some games give you is unmatched elsewhere in life.

You prefer the more exciting competitive games, although playing with anyone who takes it too seriously will turn you off. You generally look for games that offer constant excitement, quick load times, and few preparations. Anything that slows you down is detrimental to the overall experience you seek to achieve.

Zane Oct 27, 2008

I am The Game Guru! Sounds close enough. wink

That test seemed to be more geared toward online gaming and players, but was still pretty fun!

longhairmike Oct 27, 2008

Zane wrote:

That test seemed to be more geared toward online gaming and players

you mean the people who think "damn I must be awesome if they made a survey just for me"

avatar! Oct 27, 2008

The Accidental Gamer

"Well hello there! Based off your answers to the test, we think you are the Accidental Gamer, or what some people might call the "Casual Gamer". However, here at MyGameMug, we believe a "casual gamer" is a hard term to accurately describe. We think you don't really play online games that much or at all."
->very true!

"You most likely 'accidentally' stumbled into online platform or PC gaming or recently started playing online and have developed some sort of curiosity."
->not true at all

"Seeing how you've taken the time to complete this test, we will assume that you have experience in gaming, enjoy it, are level headed, and you are looking for people to play with."
->true, except I'm not looking for people to play with...

"However, it is clear that you prefer to do other things to occupy your free time."
->very true!

"Our recommendation is for you to play more video games online - who knows, you might 'accidentally' meet someone cool from MyGameMug if you do!"
->ain't gonna happen!


Daniel K Oct 27, 2008

I got the exact same as Angela. Now who would've guessed that? wink

I recognize a lot in the description, but some of it sounds a bit off, since I do enjoy both fast-paced adrenaline-pumping games and slower, more atmospheric ones (Silent Hill, for example). But I guess the key-word "excitement" is to some degree a matter of interpretation - not all people find the same things exciting.

James O Oct 27, 2008

I got the same as Angela.... I think pretty much anyone who has played games since the 80's will probably get this result too.

Idolores Oct 27, 2008 (edited Oct 27, 2008)

Somehow I got the "Helping Hand"

The whole damn test is off. I hate social gaming, and will never go out of my way to play a "Socially intensive" video game of any kind. On top of that, I hate helping people in any kind of game. I like doing my own thang. I wonder how I got this result? sad

Adoru Oct 27, 2008

I also got "The Helping Hand" and I also hate social gaming. I don't play games online and I barely ever play with a friend. Something's wrong.

Pellasos Oct 27, 2008

James O wrote:

I got the same as Angela.... I think pretty much anyone who has played games since the 80's will probably get this result too.

nope, i didnt.

dunno how i could get this though.....

The Helping Hand
Deliberate Sociable Fun Veteran (DSFV)
Generous, helpful, kind...a few of many positive attributes people see in you, the Helping Hand. Nothing satisfies you more than helping your teammates or friends out in all the games that you play. You may even look to assist people in some cases if there is no one around asking for help. In fact, the enjoyment that you receive from helping people rivals that of solving a puzzle, winning a battle, or achieving a hard objective in a game.

Heavily social intensive games tend to be what you enjoy the most although you can probably find something to take pleasure in with most games. For instance, if you happen to find yourself in a competitive first person shooter, you'd probably take the support class. We recommend you stick to games (and crowds!) where people will appreciate you more; these include more casual gamers seeking fun and excitement from games rather than the serious competitive ones.

i do like social gaming and helping out friends, but this result is taking it a bit too far wink

but i can live with Deliberate Sociable Fun Veteran (DSFV).

the_miker Oct 27, 2008

Idolores wrote:

Somehow I got the "Helping Hand"

The whole damn test is off. I hate social gaming, and will never go out of my way to play a "Socially intensive" video game of any kind. On top of that, I hate helping people in any kind of game. I like doing my own thang. I wonder how I got this result? sad

What he said.  That test needs work.


Idolores Oct 27, 2008

the_miker wrote:
Idolores wrote:

Somehow I got the "Helping Hand"

The whole damn test is off. I hate social gaming, and will never go out of my way to play a "Socially intensive" video game of any kind. On top of that, I hate helping people in any kind of game. I like doing my own thang. I wonder how I got this result? sad

What he said.  That test needs work.


High five!

allyourbaseare Oct 27, 2008

All helping hands unite!  (Me too)

... this sentiment is generally true.  I'd rather see alot of people succeed than just myself.

rein Oct 27, 2008

I wonder if these are the only possible results.  Being shoehorned into one of four types would explain why the results are so far off the mark for some of us.  I mean, how does it make sense that I'm a "daredevil" if I answered that I am currently playing a dungeon crawl (Persona 3) and am a completist?

FuryofFrog Oct 27, 2008

I can't say mine is that off. I do like games that scored well but I don't usually shop on the best seller rack. I'm actually pleased by the result.

The Explorer
Reckless Sociable Serious Veteran (RSSV)
You are the Explorer, player of many games and master of none. You are a hardcore gamer, yet you play casually. Gaming is a hobby, but it is also a passion. Many won't understand all this, but you do, and you're happy with that. Like all adventurers, you always look for the next game to play through and talk about with people. You derive your pleasure from the experience of playing great games - the best seller and top rated sections always seem the most attractive.

While you tend to gravitate towards games that are more social in nature, you know well enough that even the most competitive games can also provide a social atmosphere given the right people - people like you. While you take a serious interest in gaming and play somewhat seriously, you are highly likely to have the most fun with those that play more for fun.

Qui-Gon Joe Oct 27, 2008

I got the helping hand one and I sort of agree with it.  I'd rather play co-op multiplayer than competitive stuff, and I do like social gaming quite a bit.  *shrug*

Angela Oct 27, 2008

rein wrote:

I wonder if these are the only possible results.  Being shoehorned into one of four types would explain why the results are so far off the mark for some of us.

There are sixteen total.  You can see the rest of the categories just under your results.

RinoaDestiny Oct 27, 2008

Same as Angela as well. smile

XLord007 Oct 27, 2008

Same as Angela here too.  Since this survey is geared towards online gamers, it doesn't really make sense for me since I rarely ever play games online.

Nekobo Oct 27, 2008

I am...

The Class Clown
Reckless Sociable Fun Veteran (RSFV)
Why is everyone taking games so seriously? They should lighten up -- it's your job to entertain and mix it up. Your philosophies: rules are made to be broken and games are your playground. The more the better - you're a crowd pleaser and enjoy all the attention to your antics!

You're an old hand at games - you know exactly what games are the best to showcase your talents. You love being creative, so games that let you cut loose and express yourself are winners. Tight games that restrict your movement, are too competitive, and have too many rules make you suffocated and grasping for air.

Your job in most games is clear: show everyone how to have fun and not take life too seriously. After all, it IS just a game right? Most people love you for your antics, some despise it, but screw them - they just don't know how to have fun. Class Clowns are highly sought after in guilds or clans, but watch out, add too many and your community will be a joke.


I'm not really an attention whore when I play, but I do like to horse around in multi-player games, even if it costs me a win.

SonicPanda Oct 27, 2008

Another Helping Hand here. It sort of makes sense in my case, since I'm the go-to guy in my family when someone's stuck, and my personal play style is weighted towards defense. Still, not an online gamer by any stretch.

charmed699 Oct 28, 2008

I got the helping hand result as well but it makes a bit of sense. I like to help out people when they send me messages about games I am good at like Ecco the dolphin. tongue

Carl Oct 28, 2008

I'm a gamer who isn't going to fill out any survey about gaming.

Wanderer Oct 28, 2008

Helping Hand here.

I don't play online games. wink

xanadujin Oct 30, 2008 (edited Oct 30, 2008)

What the hell.  I too, got...

The Class Clown
Reckless Sociable Fun Veteran (RSFV)

Why is everyone taking games so seriously? They should lighten up -- it's your job to entertain and mix it up. Your philosophies: rules are made to be broken and games are your playground. The more the better - you're a crowd pleaser and enjoy all the attention to your antics!

- WTF?  Um, no.

You're an old hand at games - you know exactly what games are the best to showcase your talents. You love being creative, so games that let you cut loose and express yourself are winners. Tight games that restrict your movement, are too competitive, and have too many rules make you suffocated and grasping for air.

- The first half of this is somewhat accurate I guess.

Your job in most games is clear: show everyone how to have fun and not take life too seriously. After all, it IS just a game right? Most people love you for your antics, some despise it, but screw them - they just don't know how to have fun. Class Clowns are highly sought after in guilds or clans, but watch out, add too many and your community will be a joke.

- Um, no.

Yeah, this test seems to be heavily geared towards the "modern" online gamer.  Guess that explains why it was off for me.

- Justin Pfeiffer

Amazingu Oct 31, 2008

Same as Zane, Game Guru

The Game Guru
Deliberate Competitive Fun Veteran (DCFV)
Your knowledge of gaming knows no bounds, Game Guru. You are the person many gamers go to when they have questions and generally most of the time, you have the right answers for them. You are unlikely to tie yourself into just playing one game, as it limits your expertise and experience you may gain from play others. It seems you love to learn everything about games, - the characters, the secrets, the developer, etc. Perhaps you should start a blog if you haven't already.

You typically don't like to hang around too long within a game and therefore avoid the more socially demanding ones. Playing quick rounds or small sessions are more your cup of tea. Once you've had your fun, it's back to the magazines, gaming blogs, forums, and the like where you can share your vast knowledge of all things video games.

The first paragraph is spot-on.
The second is correct in that I avoid more socially demanding games, but wrong in assuming that I don't spend a lot of time with one single game (90 hours of Disgaea, and still going!)

jb Oct 31, 2008 (edited Oct 31, 2008)

The Explorer
Reckless Sociable Serious Veteran (RSSV)
You are the Explorer, player of many games and master of none. You are a hardcore gamer, yet you play casually. Gaming is a hobby, but it is also a passion. Many won't understand all this, but you do, and you're happy with that. Like all adventurers, you always look for the next game to play through and talk about with people. You derive your pleasure from the experience of playing great games - the best seller and top rated sections always seem the most attractive.

While you tend to gravitate towards games that are more social in nature, you know well enough that even the most competitive games can also provide a social atmosphere given the right people - people like you. While you take a serious interest in gaming and play somewhat seriously, you are highly likely to have the most fun with those that play more for fun.

Close enough, although my variety of games is not very broad.  I really only play WoW and Rock Band and that's about all I've played in the last 4 years, but I do tend to lean towards completionist, goal oriented games that have seemingly repetitive tasks (Disgaea).

XISMZERO Oct 31, 2008

The Young Urban Gamer
Reckless Competitive Fun Learner (RCFL)

I disagree. This paints me like I play games to get along with the rest of them (a new-age casual gamer or some "gamer girl"). I'm certainly no "learner" as I've been playing games since 1990 (how dare they!).

Per usual, these tests are fun albeit flimsy as I'd call into question the person who created this (sounds like a new-age online gamer). I'd call myself what I am: a regressive veteran/old-school gamer and supporter of Capcom, Nintendo and Konami franchises who relishes in the nostalgia of games growing up. I don't play online games, either (seemed most of the questions bent that way). In recent years I've divorced myself largely from new games but occasionally will see something interesting and give it a go.

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