Amazingu Nov 18, 2008
Been moving back and forth between Japan and Holland since, oh, 1999 or something.
I'm pretty damn good at Japanese, but not native level I'd say.
Got my 1-kyu without any real effort though.
Been moving back and forth between Japan and Holland since, oh, 1999 or something.
I'm pretty damn good at Japanese, but not native level I'd say.
Got my 1-kyu without any real effort though.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - born and raised.
I'm in northwest Ohio (Bowling Green/Perrysburg/Toledo area), USA. MIDWEST REPRESENT!
Also to those who live in Japan, how's the cost of life compared to your country of origin? Also, let's say you don't speak any japanese (besides a dozen or so keywords), would you say it's impossible to ''get by'' in Japan?
Also to those who live in Japan, how's the cost of life compared to your country of origin? Also, let's say you don't speak any japanese (besides a dozen or so keywords), would you say it's impossible to ''get by'' in Japan?
I made a new thread for the topic so as not to hijack this one
Another Seattl(e)ite. Perry Como was full of it.
Hämeenlinna, Finland. Place of something, I really don't know, maybe because I rarely do have interest what's happening here. As long I know where all the shops are and the fact that customs aren't so far away, I'm somewhat happy to live here. Tempted to use google maps or something like that to pinpoint exact position, but I'm afraid that when someone gets hissyfits over my opinions, they're gonna drop something at this somewhat oldish flat.
I live in Gothenburg, Sweden as well.
I'm surprised by all the Europeans on the board! While I'm not a real European (in that I live here in England, but am from Canada), I haven't really met anyone in this (very) large city who shares my interests in video games and their music. There were tons back in Canada but here, we seem rather thin on the ground.
I live in Gothenburg, Sweden as well.
Cool, we should hook up sometime! I don't know anyone else in this city that is a VGM fan. I know some people who are very casual listeners, digging one or two soundtracks from games they've played, but that's about it. Would be cool to meet another hardcore-fan in real life.
I'm surprised by all the Europeans on the board! While I'm not a real European (in that I live here in England, but am from Canada), I haven't really met anyone in this (very) large city who shares my interests in video games and their music.
I think this is because there seems to be a more general understanding for otaku-ism and the kind of "nerdy" sub-culture VGM belongs to in the US and Canada than in Europe. I don't think there are less game music fans in Europe, I just think people are less vocal about it here. Maybe you should ask around?
wow sure is a lot of EU posters
i am from middle of everglades you might say.. Hernando, Florida
just me, the alligators and the turtles...
hehhh @ Brest, France.. Is that near Nice? perhaps the 2 towns should join forces.
I'm just glad no one's from Uruguay. You don't need additional ammo.
Cool, we should hook up sometime! I don't know anyone else in this city that is a VGM fan. I know some people who are very casual listeners, digging one or two soundtracks from games they've played, but that's about it. Would be cool to meet another hardcore-fan in real life.
Yeah, serious VGM fans seem to be quite the rarity around here. So you're helziran then?
longhairmike wrote:hehhh @ Brest, France.. Is that near Nice? perhaps the 2 towns should join forces.
I'm just glad no one's from Uruguay. You don't need additional ammo.
I think we're better than that anyways.
So you're helziran then?
Yep, that's me. I'm quite busy this week, but I'll give you a call through the forum contact system later (or you could give me a call before if you'd like that).
seanne wrote:So you're helziran then?
Yep, that's me.
I'm quite busy this week, but I'll give you a call through the forum contact system later (or you could give me a call before if you'd like that).
Dammit, I wanna hang out too!
Dammit, I wanna hang out too!
No problem, just buy a plane ticket. Boston is pretty big, though. There must be some more VGM-fans there.
Zane wrote:Dammit, I wanna hang out too!
No problem, just buy a plane ticket.
Boston is pretty big, though. There must be some more VGM-fans there.
I'm just a couple hours from Zane and we never hang out. I have other vgm fans where I live though, so it's no big deal. Though I would like to see him do some karaoke some night..
I know several people that I would be inclined to label as "VGM fans". That is people who listen to Final Fantasy VII - X soundtracks and have several Chrono Cross, Black Mages and Piano Collections songs on their iPod. And generally don't listen to other music much. Except anime, of course. And Nightwish. Otaku? I guess so. I'm happy there aren't very many "hardcore" maniacs like "us" out there.
I'm in Kristiansand, a town in southern Norway. That is in Scandinavia, north-western Europe. Hehe. To Sweden's left! For some reason, there seems to be more VGM-freaks in Sweden than Norway.
Thead revival just to give random props to Gothenburg, while looking at Korg DS-10 videos today on YouTube.
Thead revival just to give random props to Gothenburg, while looking at Korg DS-10 videos today on YouTube.
Nice. *tries to spot Daniel K on them streets*
That's brilliant and just another reason for me to keep up my mission to find a pal copy of the game!
Reviving this thread
I'm from Helsinki, Finland.
Anyone moved after posting in this thread?