Carl Nov 20, 2008 (edited Nov 20, 2008)
French media site "Game One" put together a documentary on Game Music.
They were assisted by a Famitsu staff writer (rolling Uchizawa) who presumably got them quick access to all the composers.
While they are forced to include the obligatory introduction to the 'concept' of game music during the intro, (the first 10 minutes seem like every other Nobuo tribute) it does pick up from there and gets to the good stuff, spending some 1-on-1 time with each of the composers and going over their most popular works. Overall it turned out quite well.
Part 1: Nobuo Uematsu, Yuzo Koshiro
Part 2: Hitoshi Sakimoto, Nobuyoshi Sano, Akira Yamaoka
Part 3: Masaya Matsuura (who has WALLS of vintage Analog gear in his studio)
It's up on YouTube, not sure if it ever got broadcast on TV or screened anywhere other than online though.
After some searching it seems that Game One has quite a large staff (being part of the MTV Entertainment Group) and has made other documentaries such as "History of Shooting Games" "History of Fighting Games", Horror Games, etc... View here for their background.