longhairmike Nov 23, 2008
i saw the commercial for this yesterday and decided it was a must-have. I instantly jumped on amazon and ordered it (i also had a $10 off promo code so i got it for $37)
I had seen the RRR 1 & 2 games in the store, but i always thought that they were platform games like 3-d mario or something of the sort, and of course the bunnies were the enemies so i was not gonna buy a game where you beat up bunnies.
RRR 1 & 2 both appear to be budget titles now, and i was wondering how many of you have played them? Whats your take on these games. Apparently, unline the original Rayman games (where the bunnies were enemies) these are spinoffs starring the bunnies, so i think i may just go ahead and fork over the $40 for the two of them.
do you think i would i need to play 1 & 2 to fully enjoy the new one, or is the wackiness self explanatory?