KungFuFurby Jan 11, 2009
Well, I'm here for track identification. You see, I dumped the complete SPC set for Down The World by continuing where Dais, the original dumper of this set, left off... and now I'm in the process of OST track identification. I do not know where to get the MP3s for this set at the moment...
The reason why I'm here is that I would like to know if anyone can identify these tracks on the OST to the corresponding SPC set... I dumped most of the complete SPC set, which includes the true insturmental version of the Opening (not the hacked one) and another 28 tracks by me, making the grand total 53.
I did the rest of the timing for each track after this, but not much else.
...I'm aiming for the OST track identification mainly because it was partially done by Dais, and that I plan on finishing the job for OST track identification. Track ordering will not reflect the OST, but there will be track numbers... I did this for Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Tokubetsu Hen, which is now on SNESMusic.org, although with a timing error related to the person that updated the site. That's fine by me... ^_^ I do indeed have a tagger for the Mac.
About half the tracks should be on the OST if my calculations are correct... there was never a second volume, so only about half of them are getting OST track idenitifications...
...believe me. I am finishing what was started, and I could use some assistance for the last part. I do not tag my stuff using the tagger until all the other stuff is finished, which includes OST track identification.