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Daniel K Jan 27, 2009 (edited Jan 27, 2009)

So I found a game rip I've been looking for quite a while on a website (the game in question being Clock Tower - Ghost Head). The problem is, its streamed through a player on the site. Anyone know how to rip the music and willing to offer a hand? I'd like to have it as files rather than only being able to listen to it online through a browser.

The page in question: … &Itemid=19

Would be very grateful for help on this!

shdwrlm3 Jan 27, 2009

It depends on the website. Most flash players usually link to MP3s, and it's just a matter of finding out where the MP3s are stored. Sometimes the locations are encrypted, but other times:

Creepy stuff. I always loved the SNES game, but never managed to find the PS games. I probably would've been too scared to handle them anyway.

XISMZERO Jan 27, 2009 (edited Jan 27, 2009)

A free program called "Audacity" will do it.

You just plug your sound output into the rear mic or input and you can record.

I can't vouch for the sound quality though, I've had mediocre results (lots of noise, popping and such) but then again if it's streamed, you're getting a mediocre package to begin with.

Oh, and I really enjoyed Clock Tower 3 on PS2 a few Summers ago. It's like Capcom's "other" horror series that doesn't have as much stage magic and polish as Resident Evil.

Daniel K Jan 27, 2009

Many thanks! smile It seems the mp3s are in pretty lousy quality (80 kb/s, 22 kHz, mono) and they're not tagged worth shit, but I guess I'm not in a position to be picky, its better than nothing. If anyone knows of or has a better-quality rip, please speak up. smile

shdwrlm3 wrote:

Creepy stuff. I always loved the SNES game, but never managed to find the PS games. I probably would've been too scared to handle them anyway.

I played the SNES and PS2 Clock Tower games, but missed the PS1 entries in the series and am catching up on them now. Especially Clock Tower Second (the first one for the PS1) is quite good, very original even though its quite clunky and ugly by today's standards. I doubt it would scare you, though - its cheesy and campy more than anything. But I love that kind of stuff. smile

This topic made me think of when I ripped the SPC set for the first game.... Already seven years ago, shit do I feel old! Is time speeding up, or am I slowing down? >_<

Daniel K Jan 27, 2009


Oh, and I really enjoyed Clock Tower 3 on PS2 a few Summers ago. It's like Capcom's "other" horror series that doesn't have as much stage magic and polish as Resident Evil.

Clock Tower isn't "Capcom's" series, really. The first three games (that form the core of the series) were made and released by Human Entertainment, who sold the rights to Capcom when they went bankrupt in the late 90s. Capcom released CT3, but they didn't develop it themselves, they hired Sunsoft (!!!) to do that (might that be the last time we saw a new Sunsoft game...?).

I enjoyed CT3 too, but its definitely one of the weaker entries in the series, IMO (lacked the personality of the first two). If you liked it, I really recommend checking out Capcom's "Demento" for PS2 ("Haunting Ground" in the West). Its a kind of "spiritual" successor to the Clock Tower series in that it employs the same "hide-and-seek"-horror style, and its way better and more polished than CT3 was.

Bottom line, Capcom swallowed and threw this series aside. It really died with Human.

Chris Jan 28, 2009

SunSoft is still going in a smaller form. It releases games mainly in Japan and often focuses on Pachinko machines. However, they've developed a few like Super Fantasy Zone and Clock Tower 3 that have been published by other companies overseas.

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