Bernhardt Feb 3, 2009
http://www.vgmworld.com/catalog/index.p … m_num=1777
How's about this one? Can anyone tell me whether or not this's awesome? Anyone have a working English title for that matter, as opposed to just Romanji?
http://www.vgmworld.com/catalog/index.p … m_num=1777
How's about this one? Can anyone tell me whether or not this's awesome? Anyone have a working English title for that matter, as opposed to just Romanji?
The Japanese comes out to something like "The Tower of Mist and the Law of the Sword", but the title for the U.S. release is The Dark Spire, if that's what you're asking for.
Again, if you'd use vgmdb, the album listing has a link to the publishers website where you find samples to listen to...
And it also tells you the name is The Dark Spire
The Japanese comes out to something like "The Tower of Mist and the Law of the Sword", but the title for the U.S. release is The Dark Spire, if that's what you're asking for.
YES! Thanks!
Again, if you'd use vgmdb, the album listing has a link to the publishers website where you find samples to listen to...
And it also tells you the name is The Dark Spire
Ahh, see, I can't see right in front of me! I'll remember to look for that from now on! Thanks!
Finally got this one in, and I'm rather enjoying it more than all get-out.
It's mostly electronic, but they do put in some classical and gothic-styled motifs. Reminds me vaguely of some of the Front Mission soundtracks...
The cover graphic has me perplexed: You have the cyber, circuitry motifs which fit with the music, but you also have a guy in traditional knight's armor, so I'm wondering what the game's going to be like from the soundtrack's music and packaging; not too hard to tell that it's supposed to be some kind of RPG, though. Just trying to figure out if the game's supposed to medieval, futuristic, or some mix of the two.
Only problems, there doesn't seem to be an official main theme, so I guess we're going to have a quiet title screen / opening scene (if there is even going to be one), and they really didn't need the second disc of chiptunes, if you ask me. Oh yeah, it was kind of expensive at Cocoebiz, too...but, Kahori's a nice lady, so I'll chalk it up to helping her stay in business.
BUT! I'm still lovin' it!
Found an entry for the game on Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Spire-Ninten … 346&sr=1-1
Packaging's kind of lacking; they should've just used the same cover graphic they used for the soundtrack, at least...
What do you mean, didn't need the second disc of chiptunes? The fact that you change the graphics/audio from highly-stylized to retro-stylized is one of the game's main selling points. Not including the alternative "retro" versions of the music on the OST would be a pretty big kick in the pants.
Also the tracklist for the Special Sound Tracks would indicate there is a main theme, even if it's not a title theme....perhaps it's one of the dungeon themes.