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Adam Corn Feb 3, 2009

So what are the soundtracks you're kicking yourself now for pawning off years ago?

I bring this up because I've been in all kinds of hurt lately to hear those awesome horns in the second chapter of Seiken Densetsu Sound Collections.  I think I'll just cave in and re-buy that sucker on my next visit to Akihabara.

I also miss some of the power-synth versions of original Ys compositions in Ys Renewal.

Any similar regrets?

(Oh and let's base these picks on music and not economics.  If I had known I could possibly get a couple hundred bucks now for Zelda Sound & Drama I may have held onto it as well big_smile).

Carl Feb 3, 2009

I really loved Soukaigi, and I had repeatedly turned down multiple offers from others who wanted to buy it off me... 

I must have finally given in a few years ago though and sold it, because when I went looking in my stash it's not there, but I can't exactly remember even who got it or where the hell it went off to, if I gifted it or what...

It's not a huge deal though, I'm more curious than regretful about it.

Angela Feb 3, 2009

I'm gonna have to say Soukaigi as well.  I believe I gave that one away as a gift - or as an aside bonus for something else I've sold.

The music was second only to its beautiful packaging and booklet art - something I would've been proud to have kept showcased in my collection.

the_miker Feb 3, 2009 (edited Feb 3, 2009)

Super Mario RPG OSV - Sold for 200 bucks on eBay to help fund my trip to LA for the first Dear Friends concert back in 2004.  I'd love to have it back now but just for the record.. I cherish my Dear Friends memories more than this soundtrack.

Super Mario World - Ditto.

The Legend of Zelda Sound & Drama - Ditto, pretty sure.

Super Mario 64 Original Sound Track - Ditto, I think.  Poor Mario and Zelda. sad

Grandia OST, OST II, and Vent - I bought and sold all three of these before playing the game.  I'm just now getting into the game while on my PS1 kick and man.. I sooo regret selling these off.  I'm sure I sold them to someone on STC.. *looks around*

Final Fantasy IX Original Soundtrack PLUS - After just re-playing FFIX, I definitely regret selling this one.  All the FMV music and a bunch of bonus tracks = awesome.  I'd gladly pay retail for it again.

BAROQUE Original Soundtrack - Some of Iwata's best stuff in my opinion and definitely his best solo project.  Not sure why I sold this one but I certainly regret it.  I'd love to buy it again but it always goes for a ton on YJA.


Qui-Gon Joe Feb 3, 2009

Man, this thread makes me really happy to be a black hole collector (even though it was a total ***** getting back all of those CDs from Japan when I returned to the U.S.).

Ramza Feb 3, 2009

Chrono Cross OST...

jb Feb 3, 2009

I've never sold a soundtrack that I've regretted, in fact I very rarely sell any of them. smile  Except that one time I sold Climax Landers.  No tears shed here tongue

Amazingu Feb 3, 2009

The only Soundtrack I ever sold was Dead or Alive 2, which I kinda regret I guess, cos it didn't earn me a lot at all.

I have around 90 soundtracks, which probably isn't much by this forum's standards, but I'm never ever selling any of them.

SonicPanda Feb 3, 2009

Like others here, when I get a CD, it stays got. That said, there is one...remember that crappy sampler CD that had a fraction of Super Mario 64's music and a neverending Waverace piece? When I tracked the full SM64 soundtrack I fobbed that sucker on my nephew.
Personal packratting issues being what they are, I eventually offered to buy it back, only to find he'd traded it to a friend for skateboard decals. I realize I'm not missing much, but damn it, I know the hole is there.

Thomas Feb 4, 2009

I always used to look at my soundtrack collection whenever I needed money for something big, thanks to that I'm currently regretting selling off the following:

Grandia 1 & 2 ost: Thought I wouldn't need those with "the best of..."
Final Fantasy Tactics (fp): whywhywhy?
Final Fantasy X piano collections (fp): again, why?

that KOEI sui-something arrange album... forgot the name but it was an amazing cd from around the time that Kanno still worked for them (no Kanno album tho)

... all I can think of now

Idolores Feb 4, 2009

Ain't never sold any. But funny. Some of the ones other people have mentioned are ones I been looking for.

Amazingu Feb 4, 2009

SonicPanda wrote:

only to find he'd traded it to a friend for skateboard decals.

I love bizarre trades.

You know, I traded a donut for a second-hand copy of Sonic for the Genesis once!

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