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Carl Feb 3, 2009 (edited Feb 3, 2009)

How long will the economic recession last?

A. 2 years
B. 5 years
C. 10 years
D. It's all downhill from here baby!

I'm gonna say somewhere around B myself...

The costs of daily goods just keeps going up, and more US companies announce layoffs and manufacturing plant closings each day.

Groceries that used to cost me $40 now costs $60.  Although my job sucks at least it's still a "necessary" one so that I still have work, but the same paycheck that used to leave me with at least SOME extra bucks each month is now barely treading water to break even.

I think there's gonna be even harder times ahead and don't see the forecast getting brighter anytime soon, so I think the next couple years are gonna be rough ones.

avatar! Feb 3, 2009

How do you definite the "end" of the recession? If things improve a little does that mean the recession is over? The Great Depression lasted about 10 years, but other recessions have lasted far less. I think 5 years is a fair guess by looking at history, but you never know. This recession might last 20 years. So I would guess anywhere from 5-10 years. That is, by 5 years I'm hoping things will improve, but that's only a start. If things to improve, then in some 10 years things will be back on track. But it's only a guess...

Smeg Feb 3, 2009

My guess is that it will continue till somewhere around 1-2 days after I retire, whenever that turns out to be.

SonicPanda Feb 3, 2009

I'm kind of an oddball, I guess, since my personal financial stability always seems the opposite of the national temperature. I was squeaking by during the dotcom days and Dow surges of recent years but now that the economy's in the can, I'm doing quite well and spending more often than I think I've ever done before.

To answer the poll though...5 years seems a decent bet. Less if a major inexpensive tech breakthrough appears, and longer if everyone concentrates on nickel-and-diming consumers instead.

XLord007 Feb 3, 2009

I think the economy will be out of recession by summer 2010.  Of course, it won't actually FEEL like we're out of recession until 1.5 - 2 years after that, but then we'll have some nasty inflation since every major central bank is handing out money like there's no tomorrow.

Cedille Feb 3, 2009

10 years.

Ramza Feb 4, 2009

if you define "end of recession" as "beginning of outright DEPRESSION," 2 to 5 years. Then shit will REALLY hit the fan. I promise.

Jodo Kast Feb 4, 2009

So far, the recession has not affected me. My cost of living has actually gone down, since gas prices have more than halved. My mortgage payment went down by $15 per month. I'm spending much less on gas anyway because I have a 4 cylinder engine. Even when gas hit $4 per gallon, I was still spending less than I was 5 years ago, since I had a 6 cylinder engine at the time. I didn't keep records when I owned an 8 cylinder, so I can't make a comparison. Although I can tell you that acceleration has reduced prodigiously.

I have noticed that milk and yogurt are more expensive. But my other food purchases, such as sliced meat, oatmeal, fresh fruit and vegetables, have changed very little in price.

I have no idea how long the recession will last, but I hope for a very long time. It's quite pleasing to see high level executives scrutinized. A recession is actually good because it forces people to be more efficient. This may explain why it does not affect me.

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