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Qui-Gon Joe Apr 3, 2006

You know, that really bizarre looking RPG coming out published by Marvelous and developed by SUDA 51's Grasshopper Manufacture?  Personally I think it's going to be a really cool game, but I sort of expected it to be a niche type of thing where I would be one of 5 people in either Japan or America to actually buy it.  Oddly enough, though, I noticed a number of stores in Tokyo this weekend had big "sold out" stickers on the display boxes, leading me to wonder if this might be one of those games that randomly takes off.  Either that or maybe Marvelous didn't ship any copies of the thing and the couple otaku who actually know what the game is bought the only 3 copies in the city...

Anyway, I can't wait until Atlus' US localization hits (I should be careful, though, Atlus always localizes games that I really want to come to the US and then I find them to be disappointing... like the fairly mediocre Cubivore and SMT3, which I found pretty terrible).

XLord007 Apr 3, 2006

I saw this at NCSX the other day, but I don't know much about it.  The description sounds modestly interesting, but I can't say I'm thrilled by the prospect of not being able to control Terry's attacks.

Idolores Apr 3, 2006

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

You know, that really bizarre looking RPG coming out published by Marvelous and developed by SUDA 51's Grasshopper Manufacture?  Personally I think it's going to be a really cool game, but I sort of expected it to be a niche type of thing where I would be one of 5 people in either Japan or America to actually buy it.  Oddly enough, though, I noticed a number of stores in Tokyo this weekend had big "sold out" stickers on the display boxes, leading me to wonder if this might be one of those games that randomly takes off.  Either that or maybe Marvelous didn't ship any copies of the thing and the couple otaku who actually know what the game is bought the only 3 copies in the city...

Anyway, I can't wait until Atlus' US localization hits (I should be careful, though, Atlus always localizes games that I really want to come to the US and then I find them to be disappointing... like the fairly mediocre Cubivore and SMT3, which I found pretty terrible).

That's weird. I heard Cubivore was pretty original, and entertaining.

In any event, so this is an RPG (bizarre looking, you say?). What kind of tone is the game? When you say 'bizarre', the only RPG that comes to mind is Baroque (which I can totally see Atlas bringing over, if not for the PSX being dead). I'm always up for new and interesting DS titles.

Qui-Gon Joe Apr 13, 2006

Cubivore was quite fresh and unique.  That said, it's also very repetitive and not nearly as engaging as I'd hoped it would be.  It's not a terrible game and I appreciate how weird it is, but I expected better, I guess.

Anyway, not feeling like I'm capable of aptly describing Contact from what I've read, I've been waiting for the 1up preview to show up so I can just link you to it:

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