Idolores Feb 16, 2009
Well, for anyone into Phoenix Wright.
Maybe you've seen this, but it is too ridiculous not to post. =3
Well, for anyone into Phoenix Wright.
Maybe you've seen this, but it is too ridiculous not to post. =3
That's brilliant and I hope youtube doesn't take it down so I can watch it with more attention sometime.
A shame I don't understand a single word unless they say stuff like baka which seems to be the only things that Bleach teaches me.
A shame I'm not a girl because they might need a Justice soon and I wouldnt mind an excuse to use my suit...
You know, a dedicated PW group on the net was also working on an English-voiced musical project. Not an actual show per se, but a soundtrack inspired as such. The few samples they released months ago were pretty good, but I'm not sure how far to completion they are at this point. I'll see if I can't dig up the link.
Right, and here's the Court Records link pertaining to the fan project. It's one monster of a forum thread, so if the samples are still up, they're likely buried somewhere within.