Some potentially excellent stuff this month, but it'll probably just come down to Resident Evil 5 and MadWorld for me. I'm really curious to see how Major Minor's Majestic March turned out, but despite the development pedigree of Greenblat and Matsuura, music and Wii-centric controls hasn't exactly been a winning formula as of late.
More goodness on the way for you RPG nuts in the form of Avalon Code, Suikoden Tierkris, Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, and Pokemon Platinum Version.
GoldfishX, you picking up Guitar Hero: Metallica? avatar!, how about Samurai Shodown Anthology?
Music-wise, Dragon Quest Dance Mix could end up being really good. I'm considering the Akumajo Dracula Judgment Original Soundtrack, and the Biohazard 5 Original Soundtrack hinges on how well I like the music in-game.
As far as home video releases, I missed out on Bolt, Milk and Slumdog Millionaire in the theaters, so those will at least be rentals. I'm curious to see how The Princess Bride turns out on Blu-ray, and despite my qualms with Quantum of Solace, I'll pick it up to accompany my Casino Royale set.