Pedrith Mar 6, 2009
Hi. Just wanted to let you know that Yasunori Mitsuda has updated his web page in the information section linking to two game sights featuring music by him (I would assume as I don't speak japanese.)
Hi. Just wanted to let you know that Yasunori Mitsuda has updated his web page in the information section linking to two game sights featuring music by him (I would assume as I don't speak japanese.)
It just confirms his previously announced involvement in Lime Odyssey and mentions Arc Rise Fantasia's June 4 release date. His latest newsletter didn't have much new either. Rest assured that if he announces anything significant new about himself or his team, I'll make a news article on SEMO right away.
How much is he actually involved in Arc Rise Fantasia? I downloaded a few sample tracks, and only one really sounded like him. I've been assuming that project is one for his Procyon Studio companions, kind of like the other Image Epoch games.
How much is he actually involved in Arc Rise Fantasia? I downloaded a few sample tracks, and only one really sounded like him.
He says it's only a few.
I know Shunsuke Tsuchiya has been confirmed as a co-composer. I'd guess Kazumi Mitome, Maki Kirioka, and any of the other Luminous Arc co-composers might also be involved.
Did I miss it, or was no soundtrack ever released for World Destruction?
No soundtrack was ever released. According to Siliconera, he's rearranging/rewriting some of the music for the US release, Sands of Destruction. Perhaps this is why there has been no official release yet.
No soundtrack was ever released. According to Siliconera, he's rearranging/rewriting some of the music for the US release, Sands of Destruction. Perhaps this is why there has been no official release yet.
Ah, ok. Hopefully he'll release the OST after the U.S. release then.
There was a five track "premium" soundtrack for World Destruction.
I didn't realize the game was coming to the US, and under a new name. That's news to me, thanks!
Yes, I knew about the sampler soundtrack.
In other news, Arc Rise Fantasia is being scored by Yasunori Mitsuda, whose role is probably very small, Shunsuke Tsuchiya, and Yuki Harada. Tsuchiya works for Procyon Studio whereas Harada is someone who is not employed by Procyon and is an unknown composer to many, including myself. Thanks to PQTN at SEMO for pointing this out.
Yes, I knew about the sampler soundtrack.
In other news, Arc Rise Fantasia is being scored by Yasunori Mitsuda, whose role is probably very small, Shunsuke Tsuchiya, and Yuki Harada. Tsuchiya works for Procyon Studio whereas Harada is someone who is not employed by Procyon and is an unknown composer to many, including myself. Thanks to PQTN at SEMO for pointing this out.
Speaking of which, it was just announced today that a Soundtrack CD of ArcRise Fantasia will be included as a pre-order bonus for the game's Japanse release (June 6th, to be exact). I fear that this may only be a "premium" type release, and am practically HOPING that an official release will be actually released... and one which has ALL the music, not just five tracks.
-Jon T.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2D0EVat … re=channel
No soundtrack release yet planned!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2D0EVat … re=channel
No soundtrack release yet planned!
We'll just have to hope that one day it will happen. Marvelous may be dissastisfied with the sales of the game at the moment, but they'll only improve if they do something to make people more aware of it. Getting a OST release is one way of doing that. FRAGILE got one, so why not ARC RISE FANTASIA?
The 13 track list of Arc Rise Fantasia is reviewed on Rpgfan:
http://www.rpgfan.com/soundtracks/arcri … index.html
We'll just have to hope that one day it will happen. Marvelous may be dissastisfied with the sales of the game at the moment, but they'll only improve if they do something to make people more aware of it. Getting a OST release is one way of doing that. FRAGILE got one, so why not ARC RISE FANTASIA?
I didn't believe it, but you were right!
It's coming out in March, 3 discs, by TEAM entertainment: http://vgmdb.net/album/17313
Perfect timing, just a little before the English release of the game!