Galivan Mar 31, 2009 (edited Mar 31, 2009)
Hello, this is my first post! I found this forum yesterday and did a search for Masanori Adachi. I found a topic: "Favourite castlevania soundtracks"
http://www.soundtrackcentral.com/forums … hp?id=3085
and there a user called Daniel K writes
Masanori Adachi (R.I.P.)
Is he dead? Noo! He is the genius behind the Castlevania IV music. I worship that music. For many years I didn't know who were behind the music. Then I found two names, Souji Taro and Masanori Oodachi. The latter one is apparently Masanori Adachi, but the the spelling of names can vary.
There are fantastic video game soundtracks, but for me nothing beats Castlevania IV. When I hear it it's hard to understand how it's possible to come up with something like that. I always get baffled when listening to it.
Can Daniel K explain what you know about Adachi and why he isn't living?
By the way I recently I heard the music of Mouryou Senki Madara 2 in which Adachi was involved in the music along with Tappy Iwase and Miki Higashino. It was amazing to find a game music which had the same sounds as C IV, I had thought they were unique to that game. There is also similarities in arrangement, instrumentation and occasionally in the harmonies. "In a sudden wind" from Madara 2 is similar to the password section in Castlevania IV in a way that suggests that Adachi solely is behind those tunes, since he was the only one that was involved in both these games (if not Higashino was involved in C IV too?? She has made some medieval stuff in Vandal Hearts (one of my absolute favourite vgm)). "The Hunter's Repose" is another strong track from Madara 2 in a bit of a medieval style mixed with traditional japanese style. The basslines in CIV is very fascinating. The bass of "Early birds" from madara 2 have a castlevania reminiscence, I come to think of "the submerged city" which is very original and has cool basslines. Early birds is simpler though, it's in 4/4 and the rhythm of the bass have some afro-cuban or maybe brazillian bossa nova feeling or some other style. Submerged city is in 6/8 and can't be described in terms of music style and that goes for most of the stuff in castlevania IV. Progressive is a good word. "Rambling Assassin - Kiss of the Spider Woman" from Madara 2 is maybe the song with the strongest resemblance to Castlevania IV, with flute melody and busy bass playing. "Homesick - Her Beloved Flowers" from the same game is very nice and I think in some places have a reminiscence to the Ending BGM of Castlevania IV (though I regard the latter one as a masterpiece and nothing can be compared to it)(except other songs from Castlevania IV : )).