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allyourbaseare Apr 21, 2009

If not for all the other SHMUP's that are currently not scheduled for release here in the states, they go and port Mushihimesama Futari as well?  I just wish the region protection was more akin to the PS3, where importing is a breeze.  sad

Angela Sep 27, 2009

Following up on this story earlier in the month, Cave's Masako Asada just made confirmation: Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5 will be REGION FREE!  Yes!

Says Asada: "We had a lot of good feedback from overseas users, so for this time, as a test, we're going to make the game region free so that overseas users can play it."  Further, he goes on to say, "By making Mushihime-sama Futari region-free, what we're doing is measuring the amount of overseas users.  This will have a direct impact on whether Espgaluda II and other titles will be localized for America."

We all talk the talk when it comes to wanting to play these bad boys -- now it's time to walk the walk.  Thy importing options:

NCSX - Standard Edition  /  Limited Edition
Play Asia - Standard Edition  /  Limited Edition (Pre-orders opening soon)
Yes Asia - Standard Edition  /  Limited Edition

Zane Sep 27, 2009

Angela wrote:

We all talk the talk when it comes to wanting to play these bad boys -- now it's time to walk the walk.  Thy importing options:

NCSX - Standard Edition  /  Limited Edition
Play Asia - Standard Edition  /  Limited Edition (Pre-orders opening soon)
Yes Asia - Standard Edition  /  Limited Edition

I'd be weary of NCSX, especially since several of us had our credit/debit card info stolen a year or two ago after placing orders there. PA and YesAsia are more secure retailers.

allyourbaseare Sep 28, 2009 (edited Sep 28, 2009)

0_o  $109 + shipping?   ... Yay?

*edit*  Making good on my word, I pre-ordered the LE.

Zorbfish Sep 28, 2009

Nice, now I can kill two birds with one stone (was going to buy it just for the arrange disc).

Now to not derail the topic too hard which version of 360 hardware should I pick up (PM me if possible to keep the thread clean)?

Angela Sep 28, 2009

Zorbfish wrote:

Now to not derail the topic too hard which version of 360 hardware should I pick up (PM me if possible to keep the thread clean)?

Jasper-equipped motherboards are the current and most reliable build of the 360.  There was a thread I'd posted detailing all the specific models before.  Let's see..... ah, here.

One assumes that Valhalla is still in the works, perhaps to be included with the upcoming Project Natal bundles scheduled for next year.

allyourbaseare Sep 28, 2009

Yay!  Now, whether or not to open it, that is the question.

Carl Sep 29, 2009 (edited Sep 29, 2009)

Who knows if they're monitoring USAGE by gamerscore through XB Live or something, or just monitoring overall Sales...? 

Just through retail sales it might be hard to determine the percentage of overseas users, but XB Live gamerscore stats might show them the location info they're aiming to test.

Qui-Gon Joe Sep 29, 2009

Related question - how do achievements and Gamertag things work when you play an import game on the 360?  I've searched online, but haven't been able to find an actual answer.

Princess-Isabela Sep 29, 2009

when you play import copy of a game, it will show up in your profile/gamerscore in a native language.

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