Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Yuvraj Apr 22, 2009

I was inspired by Zane's haiku reviews so I thought it would be worthy of a altogether new topic. Credit to Zane obviously.

Final Fantasy XII
Before and after
notable his music was
laudable it is

Last Bible III
Dark melancholy
Unique sound of the great snes
Part of megaten

Infinite Game Music
You may have heard this
Some of the greatest chip tunes
Go get it online

Salamander Pro-Fusion
Oh salamander
So graciously performed
So where is the love

Daniel K Apr 22, 2009

Great idea, Zane and Yuvraj! I love Haikus, just wish I was better at writing them. I'll try to come up with some VGM-related soon.

Also, glad to see the Last Bible 3 respect. Great soundtrack for one of the more obscure Megaten-games. "Underworld Forest" is one of the best pieces of VGM I've ever heard.

Zane Apr 22, 2009

Woo! Haikus are quick and easy, so I took some albums that I've listened to recently and threw down yesterday. Here are a few more:

Soma Bringer OST
The DS sounds so good!
But I still have to wonder
Is this progression?

Ace Combat 6 OST
Kobayashi? Yes.
NAMCO has done it again
I love this album.

FM Sound Module Maniax
Too many people!
Low fidelity techno
This one ain't half bad.

New age, orchestra
Western game music done right
This is the best one.

Prince of Persia Warrior Within OST
Frat boy rock! More beer!
Great grooves; I am happy
There is no Godsmack.

Xevious 3d/G+
This is so damn good
Awesome techno! It's too bad
You are out of print.

Daniel K Apr 22, 2009

Alright, here's some. This was fun, and better (and less wordy) than my usual reviews.

Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean OST
Dancing water surface
Lush melodies and clear blue sky
Makes me sigh

American McGee's Alice OST
Cogs that grind
Taking tea in a twisted wonderland
Steam will rise

No Reality OST
Rain falls down
Melancholy and joy blend seamlessly
World is blue

Siren 2 OST
Trashed this before
For that I must now repent
Beautiful nocturnal chaos

Overlooked but great
SNES music of the highest order
Lush and powerful

Jodo Kast Apr 23, 2009

Insector X
Enigma from past
For my curiosity
Satisfied at last

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Blessed be the knife
It makes them scream with great fright
As drums beat in life

Ninja Gaiden
Tecmo did it right
The melodies were damn tight
And cut scenes for sight

Mmmmm, better get gruel
While classic music plays on
Beware, Death is cruel

Gosh, gee willikers
Such happiness and humdings
We all go crazy

Vagrant Story
Abundance of blood
Flesh in decrepit corners
Skulls buried in mud

You are just too good
Inspiring many souls
To do as they should

Etrian Odyssey
Koshiro came back
Compositions like the past
Nothing do they lack

Mega Man 2
Permission from where?
Such music comes from people?
If my ears could stare...

Idolores Apr 23, 2009 (edited Apr 23, 2009)

Daniel K gets mad props for the mention of Skyblazer. That confirms it. More than six people played that game.

Edit: My own haiku for Speed Racer (the movie).

Speed Racer

Fast and furious
that does not run on Diesal
Great fun, go watch it.

Amazingu Apr 23, 2009 (edited Apr 23, 2009)

Daniel, you know
the rules of a haiku right?
5-7-5 dude!?

edited for continuity wink

Yuvraj Apr 23, 2009

Daniel K wrote:

Great idea, Zane and Yuvraj! I love Haikus, just wish I was better at writing them. I'll try to come up with some VGM-related soon.

Like Zane said, it's not so hard. Also, like Amazingu said, do try to stick to 5-7-5:)

Daniel K wrote:

"Underworld Forest" is one of the best pieces of VGM I've ever heard.

Yeah that track is amazing...(Val Ship and Mochoa are also up there).

SonicPanda Apr 23, 2009 (edited Apr 23, 2009)

Sonic Adventure 2
Some solid rock here
Seemed like a good successor
Then came bad vocals

Idea: Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero
Complete turnaround
From Now Waking, Ippo and
Friends start their legend.

(Haikus are tricky.
Think I'll add more tomorrow.
No promises, though.)

Daniel K Apr 23, 2009

Amazingu wrote:

Daniel, you know
the rules of a haiku right?
5-7-5 dude!?

Haiku in English can be written in many different ways, there's no definitive format. Since it originated in Japanese, its not wholly translatable to the English language anyway (for example, would "I", "it", "and", "or", and such count as one word or syllable or not?). Personally, I think poetic potency is more important than a strict adherence to one interpretation of the rules. Just sayin', you know...

Grassie Apr 23, 2009 (edited Apr 23, 2009)

Dark Cloud
Clouded memory
Seagullpeck'd and monkeybit
Disposal article

Final Fantasy 6
Kids running, chirping
Now colored in sepia
With eyes gently closed

I agree with Daniel. Aren't seasonal references important as well?

avatar! Apr 23, 2009 (edited Apr 23, 2009)

Daniel K wrote:
Amazingu wrote:

Daniel, you know
the rules of a haiku right?
5-7-5 dude!?

Haiku in English can be written in many different ways, there's no definitive format. Since it originated in Japanese, its not wholly translatable to the English language anyway (for example, would "I", "it", "and", "or", and such count as one word or syllable or not?). Personally, I think poetic potency is more important than a strict adherence to one interpretation of the rules. Just sayin', you know...

I agree! I don't think you need to adhere to the 5-7-5 just because it's the most common haiku format in the English language... I say screw conformism smile

and I do think the reviews in poems are cool. Next, we should write reviews in the style of your favorite author/personality! I'm thinking, Lovecraft reviews Eternal Darkness ...



Zane Apr 23, 2009

Jodo Kast wrote:

Vagrant Story
Abundance of blood
Flesh in decrepit corners
Skulls buried in mud


Herrkotowski Apr 23, 2009


Beautiful Soundscapes
Magical Experience
Mitsuda's best work

That's all I could come up with right now.

TerraEpon Apr 23, 2009

Silhouette Mirage:

The game has redbook
I procured the rare CD
It was quite worth it

XLord007 Apr 23, 2009

TerraEpon wrote:

Silhouette Mirage

I paid $10
No idea about the music
The game sucks

TerraEpon Apr 23, 2009

It's a great game actually, just ruined by WD in its US version.

More on topic:

Saukra Wars 2:

-With great tracks such as
-Final battle like Saint-Saens
-Why can't they be looped?


-Laharl's Theme sounds like
-Shostakovich on crack
-As funny as his laugh

Final Fantasy VI:
-Wonderful music
-Dancing Mad is one long track
-Ok I'm anal

Dragon Quest (series):
-Must all the discs be
-confusing, overlapping
-Game music's not cheap!

Carl Apr 24, 2009

OK, I'll try one

LET'S TAP on the box
star disco in the heaven
shoes to go around

Rimo Apr 26, 2009

Cool concept! I'll try some:

The Operative: No One Lives Forever
Happy sixties swing
Undercover for too long
Now my heart pumps love

Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
Tropical ninja
Oh, jazzy Giacchino
Good mojo it has

Neo Contra
S. Fujimori
No official release
Hardcore techno, yay!

Ramza Apr 26, 2009

SaGa Frontier II OST

He hath invented
A new definition for

Alundra OGS

Tanaka-san said
To hell with Sakura Wars
This will be my best!

Gyakuten Saiban Yomigaeru Gyakuten OST (the DS remake of the first Phoenix Wright)

Objection! Your honor
"What is it, dear listener?"
I just like the song...

Seiken Densetsu 2 OSV (Secret of Mana)

His debut opus
A beautiful memory
Before hentai games

Code Age Commanders OST

Game destined to fail
Music forgotten by all
I blame Square Enix

XLord007 Apr 28, 2009

TerraEpon wrote:

It's a great game actually, just ruined by WD in its US version.

I'll have to take your word on that since I have unfortunately only played the U.S. version.

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