Angela Apr 26, 2009
I'm almost certain that Herrkotowski did, but has anyone else picked up this amazing PSN shooter? I downloaded it tonight, and managed to fight my way up to the fifth stage before giving up the ghost. Man, is this shmup a rockin' intense good time.
The graphics are jaw-droppingly gorgeous in its high-def 60fps suit, bringing to mind shades of the sleek presentation of Gradius V. The core weapons are great, as are the positive/negative power-up variants. (The Instant Death "power-up" can go fudge itself, though.) The game is incredibly challenging; it's not exactly bullet-hell, but it does compensate by throwing waves and waves of enemies and obstacles at you in excess -- almost to the point of being indulgent. With plenty to shoot at, the game's a literal blast of the highest order. The chain system accompanies the shoot-everything mentality perfectly, and should give high-scoring gamers a reason to keep coming back. Myself, I'm looking forward to taking on the "find all the keys" side quest.
The levels are beefy in length, with some pretty awesome boss battles.... though the game's balance seems a little off. The third and fourth stages managed to be easier affairs than the hellish second stage, but perhaps that was intentional. After all, they do offer a Trophy achievement for specifically completing stage 2 with an "S" rank - an insanely lofty goal, it would seem.
Oh, and the music demands mentioning, because it is ridiculously slick. Lots of catchy, mood-hitting techno trance - I especially dig stage 1's and stage 3's BGM, as well as the theme when going into Berserker mode.
And who doesn't love that arcade old-school cheesy announcer? ^_^