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JasonMalice Apr 8, 2006

Anyone else dig this game?

Zane Apr 8, 2006

Absolutely. The style is amazing, the gameplay very addictive (albeit weird at first), and the music is awesome. k7 is one of those quarters between the couch cushions that just exudes originality. The story's ridiculous, which is why we have plot synposis FAQs.

Qui-Gon Joe Apr 8, 2006

Yeah, gotta agree with everything Zane said on this one.  smile  I was pleasantly surprised by how refreshingly original Killer7 is.  That said, I completely understand why some people hate the game.  I have a hard time recommending it without the qualification of "don't blame me if you think it sucks."  The gameplay isn't for everyone.

McCall Apr 8, 2006 (edited Sep 10, 2012)


Idolores Apr 8, 2006

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Yeah, gotta agree with everything Zane said on this one.  smile  I was pleasantly surprised by how refreshingly original Killer7 is.  That said, I completely understand why some people hate the game.  I have a hard time recommending it without the qualification of "don't blame me if you think it sucks."  The gameplay isn't for everyone.

While I appreciate the whole stylish take on the film noir genre, the gameplay itself was too cut and dry for my tastes. A game as original and stylish deserved something more than what was offered, and this is the reason why I didn't really like it.

Ryu Apr 8, 2006

I didn't care for it from what little I tried.  However, I did see at Blockbuster on sale for $9.99.

JasonMalice Apr 9, 2006

I really like the game.  And folks, this is the first game that I have sat down and played consistently since Ys VI, and before that, the game I could sit down and play was Capcom Vs SNK 2.

The game has this minimalistic feeling to it, with the abstract thrown in.
Reminds me of a crazy book.

I can see how folks can say "you're either going to love it, or hate it."

XLord007 Apr 9, 2006

It's a fun game worth playing through.  I enjoyed it, but it wasn't great or anything like that.

Zane Apr 9, 2006

McCall wrote:

I'm afraid I'm going to need to check this game out. big_smile

I think you should. Just, uh... don't blame me if you think it sucks! wink

jmj20320514 Apr 9, 2006

I loved what little I played of it at one point, but at the time, I had forgone it to finish Shin Megami Tensei 3. When I get some time to myself again, I want to check this game out.

Nick G Apr 10, 2006

The game had such a mental impact on me that I still quote some of the characters' one-liners to myself. I can't think of another game where I could listen the character I'm playing say "Touche" after every kill and instead of becoming incredibly agitated by it find it quite amusing smile The game is perfect.

Amazingu Apr 11, 2006

Loved every second of it, great soundtrack too, but once it's over it's really over.
There's no replay-value AT ALL, and the extra modes are no fun.

Zane Apr 11, 2006

Amazingu wrote:

There's no replay-value AT ALL, and the extra modes are no fun.

Yeah, I can almost agree with this completely. I would go back and play through it again just to get more info on the story and see what things I'd recognize and/or understand more the second time through... but that's about it. killer8 is so unbalanced it's not even fun although the extra character you unlock is pretty sweet, but when you die after getting hit once by invisible enemies you realize that killer8 = crap.

Zane Apr 30, 2006

Whaaaaat? Do you have any info on what's up with the game; developer, soundtrack, etc?

XLord007 Apr 30, 2006

Zane wrote:

Whaaaaat? Do you have any info on what's up with the game; developer, soundtrack, etc?

Developer is Grasshopper, publisher is Bamco (Bandai Namco), and the game is based on the Blood+ anime.  It hits the Japanese PS2 this summer.

Nick G May 11, 2006 (edited May 11, 2006)

*drools* I just imagined myself performing Mask de Smith's reload animation with the Wii-mote. Con's would be a workout!

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