Carl wrote:It's just a text message sent to the public rather than just one person. That's all.
Nothing revolutionary.
So, basically it's just an irc on web. In some sense, atleast to me. Oh well, Facebook I still can understand but Twitter, plah, maybe useful on some situtations, but not for me.
Jodo Kast wrote:I'm quite glad I've been reading science fiction for the past 14 years. I sort of get a pillow in my skull to soften the impact of new technologies. Twitter is nothing compared to what we're going to have in a few years. (I mean, if you're annoyed now - just wait. It's going to get a lot more annoying, if the sci-fi writers are right.)
Well, thankfully I do know what to do when Google (the modern day Skynet I say) becames self-aware and decides to destroy us all.
Yes, I'll move to Australia, to the country nobody cares about.
And I don't mind new technologies if they're useful to me, but stuff like Twitter, Facebook etc. they're just not. Atleast not now, who knows when they will get me.