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Carl May 1, 2009

I wouldn't say I've jumped on the Twitter Bandwagon, being that I don't post mobile tweets and spur of the moment mobile photos, but I've at least started using it every other day or so.

I'd venture a guess that other STC'ers might be addicted to the service already...

the_miker May 1, 2009 but I don't really use it because I think Twitter is stupid.  Feel free to follow me anyway though. smile


Adam Corn May 1, 2009

I don't see where Twitter offers anything substantial over established services/technologies like Facebook, IM, and RSS (different maybe, substantial no) and am inclined to think it's a fad.  I'm also pretty sick of seeing a Twitter story in the news every other day, although I found a recent headline (on Digg maybe) interesting that recently there've been more Twitter quitters than habitual users.

You guys have fun twittering and tweeting away though smile

Carl May 1, 2009

Of course it doesn't offer anything substantial over Facebook, IM, RSS, etc...

All the hype is indeed "Trendy" and all the coverage will soon enough die down, but it will stick around just like IMs and Facebook did.

Since I don't use any of those other services, I might as well use SOMETHING, and this is at least simpler (and much less annoying) than a Myspace page.

Ramza May 1, 2009

My handle on Twitter is "Gameodactyl," per my avatar/identity on


Ashley Winchester May 1, 2009 (edited May 1, 2009)

I'm sick of hearing about twitter on the news as well, especially these people that have recently started spewing crap about the swine flu. Stuff like, "I'm/we're gonna die" really needs to stop. Also, people who also report every single sniffle on a messageboard relating to the flu also need their head examined.

Personally, I don't use Facebook or any social networking site. I don't plan to either. Additionally, I've decided to abandon AIM or any other instant messager. For as many people/messages recieved (very minimal) it isn't worth bogging my games down when in the background and if someone wants to contact me that bad (fat chance) their is e-mail.

Sorry if this sounds rather bitter, but I'm rather sick of certain (social) aspects of the internet as of late; though to be honest I think my frustation stems from various, other sources.

Razakin May 1, 2009

Someone tell the stupid what the hell this twittering is all about. I'm starting really feeling so old that new stuff on web sounds just annoying. :D

Carl May 1, 2009

It's just a text message sent to the public rather than just one person.  That's all.
Nothing revolutionary.

Jodo Kast May 2, 2009

I'm quite glad I've been reading science fiction for the past 14 years. I sort of get a pillow in my skull to soften the impact of new technologies. Twitter is nothing compared to what we're going to have in a few years. (I mean, if you're annoyed now - just wait. It's going to get a lot more annoying, if the sci-fi writers are right.)

Razakin May 3, 2009

Carl wrote:

It's just a text message sent to the public rather than just one person.  That's all.
Nothing revolutionary.

So, basically it's just an irc on web. In some sense, atleast to me. Oh well, Facebook I still can understand but Twitter, plah, maybe useful on some situtations, but not for me.

Jodo Kast wrote:

I'm quite glad I've been reading science fiction for the past 14 years. I sort of get a pillow in my skull to soften the impact of new technologies. Twitter is nothing compared to what we're going to have in a few years. (I mean, if you're annoyed now - just wait. It's going to get a lot more annoying, if the sci-fi writers are right.)

Well, thankfully I do know what to do when Google (the modern day Skynet I say)  becames self-aware and decides to destroy us all.

Yes, I'll move to Australia, to the country nobody cares about.

And I don't mind new technologies if they're useful to me, but stuff like Twitter, Facebook etc. they're just not. Atleast not now, who knows when they will get me.

McCall May 11, 2009 (edited Sep 10, 2012)


Jodo Kast May 11, 2009

McCall wrote:

I really don't care for Twitter, Facebook or MySpace. Call me a loony with conspiracy theories, but I don't trust any of them with ANY kind of personal info.

It's said that what you upload on to the web never fully disappears. I'll err on the side of caution. wink

I've decided not to worry about it. I really think that one day (maybe not our lifetimes), none of us are going to have a choice in the matter. There is an idea in science fiction called thalience, which I interpret as "everything knows everything about everything".

We'll eventually adapt to the idea that personal information no longer has any meaning. One thing to keep in mind is that most people are actually not very concerned about your personal details. Basically, we're all going to be living in glass houses, so if your neighbors look at you, then you can look right back at them. Arthur C. Clarke predicted that some people will choose to make themselves invisible to electromagnetic radiation, which can partly be achieved by using metamaterials. Such people could live within the confines of government and remain unknown. I imagine the future lawmakers and government leaders will choose to do this. And anyone else that does so will be an outlaw.

Razakin May 11, 2009

McCall wrote:

I really don't care for Twitter, Facebook or MySpace. Call me a loony with conspiracy theories, but I don't trust any of them with ANY kind of personal info.

It's said that what you upload on to the web never fully disappears. I'll err on the side of caution. ;)

Yeah, isn't there cases where employees just google you and find all kinds of funny stuff. :P

McCall May 11, 2009 (edited Sep 10, 2012)


Grassie May 12, 2009

McCall wrote:

Yes, I suppose my bigger concern is not so much privacy, but more, I don't feel like I am so important or interesting that people need to have a constant feed of blather from me. I don't consider myself so great that I need to constantly subject the world on the tedium of my life. Nor do I want to be assaulted with requests to plant virtual seeds and poke friends online. smile But I'm not going to be overly critical of those who do use such apps either.

I have a facebook account, but don't use it much. I mean, what the hell should I do with it? Post stupid remarks about how I'm done reading this book or is playing that game? I'm really not interested in what other people facebook about either. But, it is the future, and I have to make sure I'm follow the evolution of history. Right now, it seems that a lot of teenagers waste many hours on facebook every day, which they could've used on reading about interesting subjects like *gulp* vgm.

I think it's a good tool to send out invitation to events with, at least. And maybe the groups will serve some sort of function in the future as well. Would've been nice to organize things like, say, an initiative for more local democracy on the internet. But it doesn't work too well. With 700 friends and membership in 1200 groups, it might just as well serve as a shallow definition of social status.

Jodo Kast May 12, 2009

Grassie wrote:

I have a facebook account, but don't use it much. I mean, what the hell should I do with it? Post stupid remarks about how I'm done reading this book or is playing that game? I'm really not interested in what other people facebook about either. But, it is the future, and I have to make sure I'm follow the evolution of history. Right now, it seems that a lot of teenagers waste many hours on facebook every day, which they could've used on reading about interesting subjects like *gulp* vgm.

I think it's a good tool to send out invitation to events with, at least. And maybe the groups will serve some sort of function in the future as well. Would've been nice to organize things like, say, an initiative for more local democracy on the internet. But it doesn't work too well. With 700 friends and membership in 1200 groups, it might just as well serve as a shallow definition of social status.

Back in the 1950s, Isaac Asimov predicted a means of communication called "viewing". We already consider the internet to be acceptable, and long before that, we considered the telephone acceptable. The main disadvantage of communication sans soma is we can't see what the other soma is doing (and of very great importance - the eyes). Viewing will make up for that. Rudimentary forms of viewing are available through devices called "webcams" and they salvage some of that 70% that is lost through non-visual forms of communication. When we communicate in person, around 70% of it is done via body language. Anytime you send an email or talk on the phone or chat, you are losing that 70%. (What am I talking about? Well, our eyes did not evolve to read text. They evolved, partly, to interpret body language.) Now, this is what interests me:

Are we evolving because of these new forms of communication? For many thousands of years, we were forced to communicate in person. We eventually developed writing and the means to send letters, which allowed us to communicate without using our bodies. The amount of time we have been reading pales in comparison to the amount of time we have not been reading, so we can only be in the earliest stages of change. We may eventually lose the ability to interpret body language, if we continue to text, talk on the phone, etc.

Zane May 12, 2009

Jodo Kast wrote:

Are we evolving because of these new forms of communication? For many thousands of years, we were forced to communicate in person. We eventually developed writing and the means to send letters, which allowed us to communicate without using our bodies. The amount of time we have been reading pales in comparison to the amount of time we have not been reading, so we can only be in the earliest stages of change. We may eventually lose the ability to interpret body language, if we continue to text, talk on the phone, etc.

I'd say devolving. Sure, we can communicate in many ways that don't actually involve seeing or hearing the other person, but with all this technology all it does is separate people from one another further by putting an electronic barrier (or several barriers) between people. Ironically, I am typing this into a forum, not speaking it to you or seeing you face to face, but things are as they are. People's communication skills seem to be changing - they can type out hundreds of words and say bold things via the internet or text, but when it comes to phone calls or face to face conversations, people seem almost afraid to speak up because that electronic barrier is no longer there.

Technology is weird. I don't know. I still listen to music on a Discman.

Jodo Kast May 12, 2009

Zane wrote:

I'd say devolving. Sure, we can communicate in many ways that don't actually involve seeing or hearing the other person, but with all this technology all it does is separate people from one another further by putting an electronic barrier (or several barriers) between people. Ironically, I am typing this into a forum, not speaking it to you or seeing you face to face, but things are as they are. People's communication skills seem to be changing - they can type out hundreds of words and say bold things via the internet or text, but when it comes to phone calls or face to face conversations, people seem almost afraid to speak up because that electronic barrier is no longer there.

I'm reminded of a quote I've read (and saved):

  “Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that people don’t have to experience it.”
    -Max Frisch

  I've been pushing for a no-cell phone policy at work, but the owners aren't sure how to implement it, since they have the things glued to their ears and hands. Almost everyone I work with is constantly using a cell phone (trivia: the Koreans call them hand phones) and expressing laughter, anger, concern - the gamut of emotions. The texting seems to be more popular than talking and those that text use modified words which are reduced to phonemes in some cases, such as "r" for "are" or "u" for "you". I have read some text messages and they horrify me; I immediately view a person that uses a "texting language" as inferior, as if they are a little 1st grader. However, I have to admit a texting language offers greater efficiency, much like driving on the shoulder or in the center lane could be considered more efficient. Just because something saves time doesn't mean it's right.

  As for Mr. Frisch, I have to modify his comment:

  Technology is a way to change our experience with the universe.

longhairmike May 12, 2009

Jodo Kast wrote:

However, I have to admit a texting language offers greater efficiency, much like driving on the shoulder or in the center lane could be considered more efficient.

unfortunately,,, too many people end up driving from the center lane, across the middle and right lanes,, and onto the shoulder while they're busy texting

Grassie May 27, 2009 (edited May 27, 2009)

I just registered on twitter as grasseatinme. Also registered on twine, brightkite and several other sites. I intend to get into some of those social networks, so I'm a step in front of my competition - or least take some steps to close in on them! I'm also starting to take an interest in following development within the business, get updated on technology and possibilities when it comes to exposing one self and even more importantly, gather information relevant to me and get good contacts which I can work together with. I hope to be able to use services like Pixelpipe in the future...

I might attempt some programming this summer. Not sure.

Have followed this blog for some days now: It's about social internetworks and internet technology.

Carl May 27, 2009

Funny that this 'relatively' new service is already getting SPAM-botted to hell though.

Zane Jun 14, 2010

I started a Twitter account so I could keep up with Miker and Daniel Tosh (in that order). You can find me over at if you feel so inclined to follow my Tweets. Be warned, though... they're secret!

XLord007 Apr 10, 2011

Decided I should finally give Twitter a shot.  Haven't tweeted anything yet, but you can follow me here:

Jay Apr 11, 2011

I was very late to the Twitter party and rarely tweet anything of interest but I do have a Twitter for my latest indulgences, which (if you're curious) you can check out or follow here -

They're just little pixel cartoons. If you want to know what kind of thing I'm tweeting, I have chucked a bunch of them over on a blog here ( but I have been using Twitter as my primary place to dump these.

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