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the_miker May 9, 2009

Does such a thing exist?  I just got a new 120GB iPod and I've transferred my entire digital VGM collection onto it.  I'm looking for a way to have a program or script automatically read what VGM albums I have, fetch the front cover art (most likely from VGMdb), and then either place a front.jpg file in the album's directory or directly tag each file with the artwork as meta data.  PhantomSnake over at VGMdb wrote an impressive little program called Let's Tag that grabs album and tracklist info from their servers and exports it to a file that can be read by Mp3tag, but he has yet to add album art functionality.  Also keep in mind that I do not use iTunes because it makes me want to induce vomiting.  I use a foobar2000 component called foo_dop to manage my iPod's music library.

I've downloaded maybe 20 or so covers manually so far and I really don't wanna have to do it this way for my entire collection.  It could potentially take weeks to do and will likely drive me insane in the process.  I highly doubt what I'm after even exists but I figured I would ask anyway.  Surely I'm not the only one who likes the idea of album art for VGM but hates the idea of downloading it all manually?


Bernhardt May 9, 2009

I scan all my album graphics, especially when I first get them, and then add them to the mp3s using mp3 Tag.

Yeah, when I first got a scanner, I went crazy for about a day scanning every last cover graphic, and singing it to its respective album; that's where multi-tasking came in: I watched (listened to) a movie while I did all of that.

Carl May 9, 2009

For those unfamiliar with Let's Tag for vgm, here's the thread

Anyways I tossed this suggestion comment on there, to see if it'd be possible to implement that feature into his program or not.

Carl May 11, 2009

Looks like you'll be getting your wish, Miker!

"PhantomSnake: I'm adding cover art in version 0.2. You'll be able to copy the cover art to the clipboard (for pasting into Mp3tag) or save it to a file.
I'll be releasing the new version very soon. "

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