TerraEpon wrote:I haven't looked, but have you tried Amazon.com and Half.com?
One way to avoid boots, I THINK, is to look for ones that have more than just the carts themselves.
Unfortunately that's not true. I once purchased a GBA game off ebay that was complete. I could tell it was a bootleg because of the cheap box and booklet. Basically, everything was glossy and looked very cheaply made. The cartridge itself was cheaply made, but it was actually harder to tell that the cartridge was a bootleg than the rest of the items.
I suggest NEVER purchasing a cartridge alone, because there are TONS of bootlegs out there. Also, don't purchase anything from HK or anywhere else that's a pirate hub of course. Lastly, check the box and manual, and if it seems somewhat cheap and different than what you're used to, chances are it's a bootleg. Hope that helps...