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Shoe May 21, 2009

I found this other game reviewer on YouTube the other day, she goes for a different angle on game reviews (a 'Sweetness and Light' approach) instead of the more common 'Angry and Irate' style.

Definitely worth checking out her videos!

Amazingu May 21, 2009

Zane wrote:

You should all probably watch this video, but pay special attention to around 10:05. Truer words have rarely been spoken.

That's why I've been saying all the time, people are becoming extremely jaded, noone seems to like new games anymore because what is old is automatically better. I kinda pity those people.

More than anything though, she deserves major props for acknowledging the awesomeness of Kiwi Kraze.

Dais May 22, 2009

huh well I usually can't stand youtube personalities but

Z is plagued by the inability to finish video games. In a nightmare, she is visited the evil Count Dracula, who conspires with the cast of Castlevania Symphony of the Night to show her that finishing a game might not mean 'Game Over'.

You're going to have to pay me to watch this :\

Shoe May 22, 2009

Dais wrote:

You're going to have to pay me to watch this..  :\

Well, to each his own i guess.

But i enjoyed it a lot more than the recent god-awful 'TERMINATOR games Part One' video by the Angry Nerd.

Why does he have to keep reviewing awful games all the time?  Why not switch his format over to 'quirky and unique games' for awhile?

I keep waiting for him to review 'A Boy and His Blob' (that's how i found LMG's videos) but it seems like his contract with Cinemassacre requires him to cover a lot of games that are relevant to films currently playing in the movie theaters.

His recent JAGUAR and ODDESEY reviews were hilarious, though!

Amazingu May 23, 2009

Shoe wrote:

Why does he have to keep reviewing awful games all the time?

He's the ANGRY Video Game Nerd.
No point in being angry when you're reviewing good games, right?
That's what he does, it's his thing, and he should stick at it as far as I'm concerned.

He did do SMB3 though. Friggin Hilarious!

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