allyourbaseare May 22, 2009
I'm sure everyone has one or two groups that they absolutely adore, but no one else seems to know about/acknowledge. This is one of them.
Liars Inc.
Enemy (youtube video) from their second album which never saw the light of day. (coincidentally, the only video on youtube of them)
There's no wikipedia article and very very few websites about them. Back in 1999 they released their first album "Superjaded" which had a few radio hits, namely "After I Begin" and "Anybody". I knew they were played for awhile on our local station 107.5 (back when I listened to the radio!). Great rock. Straight-up. Unfortunately their drummer left (I believe) and was actually replaced with Atom (Angels and Airwaves, Rocket From the Crypt) for their second album "Enemy". At some point, I actually won an auction on ebay for like $0.99 for the radio promo of that CD (again, I'm pretty sure) so I was STOKED. Here's where it gets interesting.
My Aunt (she's half-African American, half Caucasian; it's a story invovling my alcoholic Grandfather) used to date the head honcho of Foodchain records, which Liars Inc. was signed to!! They had broken up awhile ago but she said she still kept in touch. I asked if I could get my stuff autographed by the guys in Liars Inc. (or at least Raile - lead singer/guitar player) and she said she'd give it a shot. So I wrote the guy a letter and sent both my CD's in hopes that I'd get them signed. Four years later, I still don't have my CD's back. I see "Superjaded" all the time and I still have a couple copies that I bought when I saw it on clearance at Virgin, but damnit, I want "Enemy" again! Thank heavens for mp3s!
This is the band that inspired me to actually play an instrument of rock (teh drumz). Their logo was a star with one of the pieces (arms?) broken off, which I got a tattoo of on my right wrist. I'm disappointed that they're no longer around, but it's kind of like knowing a well-kept secret that you can share with your closest friends and family. Everyone I've introduced them to seems to like their music.
There's a new(er) band that sounds alot like them, and they're from Sweden. They're called Prime sth have that same sense of rock 'n roll with memorable pop hooks .... but they're a story for another time.