James O wrote:I've always enjoyed your insightful posts Jodo. I kinda suspected it was going to be a girl sucking up all your spare time even before reading your post because that's the only thing I could think of that could possibly prevent you from not coming here. =p
Thanks. And you're right. My time has been rather compromised lately, due to a female I'm interested in. I figured I'd provide an update, for those with curious minds.
I didn't meet her online. We had worked together for about 6 months before I noticed I really liked her. I initially tried to eliminate any thoughts of her, because if I do get feelings for a woman, then they are very intense. It is healthier for me if I am not attracted to anyone. I realized I couldn't ignore her, so I asked her out. She told me to wait, cause she's still trying to get rid of her ex-boyfriend.
She's not my girlfriend, but I've been out with her once and spent some time at her house. Before doing anything with her, she had warned me that her ex-boyfriend still hangs around. I didn't know he'd come over while I was alone with her, but he did. This is what happened:
We were cuddling on top of the bed, just talking, for about two hours. Her ex calls and wants to know if I'm over there (he apparently keeps tabs on me). She told him I was there. Even though she has told him to stay away he will have none of it. He's desperately trying to get back with her and claims he's going to marry her. After the phone call, she told me what he did to the last guy she was hanging out with. He attacked the guy. Also, if she doesn't let him in, he'll beat on the windows until she does so. The guy is somewhat crazy.
In the back of my mind, I'm suspecting I'm being tested. I've never met her ex and it's possible she's curious to see how the confrontation will unfold. She slipped under the covers and asked me to sit in a chair. She wanted it to look as if we had just been talking. The guy comes in and immediately jumps on the bed, completely ignoring me. He struck me as sickly and weak; his eyes were bloodshot. If he had attempted to physically engage me, it would've been very bad for him. I'm of course being nice to the guy, pretending I don't know his name and introducing myself and whatnot. She had told me he was trying to get "cut" so I gave him some pointers. After about 10 minutes of parley I decided to leave.
She followed me up the stairs, we had a little laugh, and I headed home. That was all very new to me and makes the "game" considerably more interesting. I always get a yes or no when I ask a woman out, not a wait. The reason for the wait is that her ex has a hernia and she feels obligated to take care of him, since his parents essentially abandoned him and he has almost no money.
From some recent conversations I have had with others, it seems that a crazy ex-boyfriend is very deleterious to people trying to socialize. I've never been in such a situation before and I can tell you it was disturbing. I didn't like being nice to the guy. I do suspect that if I do actually go out with this girl, a physical confrontation with the ex will inevitably happen. Since he can't take me in a fight, I'm much more worried about him trying to damage some of my property, such as my car.
About this woman: Psychologically, she's afraid of bigger guys. One of her recurring dreams is that of a large guy chasing her. She has always dated guys that are smaller than her (she's 5'9"). I'm the first guy she's gotten involved with that's noticeably larger than she is. Also, the guys she has dated have had alcohol/suicide problems. She likes me because I don't drink.
I'll stop by from time to time to provide more updates.