avatar! Jun 15, 2009
In Etrian Odyssey, there's a side quest where someone hires you because:
"Rumor has it the legendary songstress of Etria can be heard in the forest's depths. I ache to hear her voice..."
at some point you find a music box. After you find it the town theme changes, and the game notes how "her" voice (as heard from the music box) is so haunting. The funny thing is this is a direct reference to the Super Arrange Version soundtrack and in particular the last track which is sung by Rebecca Evans! I thought this was very clever and cute
I know I've come across other such little tidbits of wit here and there! Another one that comes to mind is Ultima VII (which is a fabulous RPG) where at one point you find a farmer who claims he contacted beings form the stars. When you search his fields, you find a Kilarathi spaceship which is a plug for Origin's (the company that made Ultima) other franchise, Wing Commander. Clever... and you get to hear the Wing Commander II theme which was sweet!
So, I imagine there are quite a few in-game jokes that people have come across during their gaming days! Do share...