Zorbfish Jul 5, 2009
I code for fun. Because of the shitty economy (and because I suck) I can't seem to code for a living. While riding out the storm, I've been looking for projects* to do to beef up my portfolio for awhile now. The thing is, I don't really have any ideas/needs of my own that I'd like to work on, aside from my own game stuff, so I'd prefer to do something helpful for others.
So I'm posing the question: Are there any programs/tools/sites that you wish the VGM community had? Could be anything big or small, just so long as it fills a need.
*Some of you may be aware if you hang out/lurk over at VGMdb that I did the freedb server recently. It was a blast and I wish I could have done more for that site, but I have a feeling that's the last project I'll be involved with.