Adam Corn Jul 12, 2009
So let's get right to it - what are the most poorly-named video games you can think of? This can be for the title being strange, inaccurate to the property it describes, or just simply boring.
A recent story on GameDaily brought this topic to mind, but the first choice on my list pushed me over the edge.
BlazBlue - The title that inspired this post. I know this is a Japanese game developed with a Japanese audience in mind, but can they not get just a touch of marketing insight if they're going to sell this thing overseas? What about this title says fighting game? What about this title says anything interesting whatsoever? What does it even mean? I never would have given this game a second look were it not for the forum thread here, and that was only because it kept going on and on so I figured there must be something to it. I can see how the alliteration is a play on Guilty Gear but something with a bit more substance would have been wise.
Valkyria Chronicles - I really think you can attribute the game's poor sales partly (just a bit) to the title. Almost anything with "Chronicles" in the title sounds boring and uninspired, and it doesn't help that nobody knows or cares (without playing the game at least) what "Valkyria" is. "White Knight Chronicles" isn't much better but the "white knight" has a nice ring to it at least.
Star Fox Adventures - Really not the most inspired way to inform us that this is an adventure game and not a shooter. They should have at least kept the "Dinosaur Planet" in the title.
Metroid: Other M - I know misguided American marketing soured many a game back in the day (especially the cover art) but in retribution do we have to be stuck with quirky Japanese-English in our titles today? At least throw a "the" in there to make it sound more natural (and foreboding).
Dragon Age: Origins - A prime example of how every title for a game or movie has to have a subtitle to it nowadays. Also a rather tacky way of informing us that they intend to make the game into a series. I seem to remember the title change coming shortly after the change to "X-men Origins: Wolverine", which makes an unoriginal idea even less original.
Guardian Heroes - I love this game (love it!!!) but the title doesn't really work. Gunstar Heroes - yes, Guardian Heroes - no.
Lord of Vermilion - Not a proper game but since the soundtrack crops up so much here I've included it.
Wild Woody - Nothing need be said.