allyourbaseare Jul 29, 2009 (edited Jul 29, 2009)
Hot damn! This game (PSN) is like Arkanoid mixed with Lumines.
The trailer was fairly impressive, and at the price they're asking ($7.99), how can you say no? I put in a good hour with this last night and came off on a gaming high. It's got some great physics, including manipulating the balls with bursts of air and a sweet soundtrack to boot. Perfect driving techno to go along with the hectic gameplay. Oh, and it has bosses. IT HAS BOSSES!!
Trophy support, looks great in HD, and a dirt-cheap price. I recommend everyone grab this one.
I do dig the quote from IGN: "It took 23 years, but Arkanoid has been bested."
*edit* Apparently you can download the soundtrack from the site!! It's $9.99. I'll post impressions later.