I took advantage of the Captain's offer (thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the CDs!) and spent the last week or so playing the game.
Angela wrote:I'm still early on in the journey, but again, I want to say that with all the collectibles to gather, as well as all the numerous side challenges, the game will give enough value to compensate for the main quest's short length.
I beat the main game over the course of three days, and that includes getting all 240 of the Riddler trophies (which is well worth it, by the way, for Riddler's increasingly paranoid rantings). I've since finished most of the challenges, though the last few are tricky. Haven't tried the downloadable content yet, but more on that later. I probably would've been a bit miffed had I paid $60 for the game, but $50 for the PC version seems more than reasonable. Of course, I got it for free, so I probably shouldn't be complaining. I'll definitely get the sequel they first day it's out, but it better be titled Batman: Gotham City.
The full game is even better than I thought it'd be. The demo really doesn't capture the variety of moves and tools you have at your disposal. There are just so many fun ways to take out enemies, my favorite of which is knocking them out while riding the Titans. A close second is stringing the enemy up, then cutting the rope when another enemy comes to investigate. Enemy AI is better, too, but not so good as to become frustrating. Although, some of those challenges...
No one's touched upon the bosses yet, and while they're mostly the usual pattern-filled battles, they're still a lot of fun. I especially love the Scarecrow battles, which feet like they were ripped straight out of Sly Cooper. The last boss battle was funny, but a tad too easy for a final fight.
I do have some big issues with how the Games for Windows Live system operates. I played through the game with an offline profile, but discovered that you needed an online profile to access downloadable content. The thing is, there seems to be no way to transfer my offline progress to my online profile >_< Also, I'm bummed that Joker is a PS3 exclusive