Markishness Aug 29, 2009 (edited Aug 29, 2009)
As a huge fan of the Gyakuten Saiban series (and its music), I recently bought the Gyakuten Saiban 1 + 2 soundtrack. Today, I went to VGMWorld (which is where I bought it) to purchase the Gyakuten Saiban 3 soundtrack.
They sold out. This is discouraging because usually, if VGMWorld doesn't carry it, then most other sites (like PlayAsia, etc.) have already sold out. (Though they all seem to have Gyakuten Saiban 4. Phooey.) But I admit that I don't have a long list of video game soundtrack sites that I frequent.
Can anyone tell me the sites that they visit to find music? If anyone finds a site that sells GS3 I'll be happy, and especially if they can find somewhere that packages it with the bonus disk that comes with the 2007 reprint. But feel free just to tell me where you go to buy music anyway. I'll be glad to know for future reference.