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Qui-Gon Joe Sep 6, 2009

With the slims coming out, I noticed that Gamestop started relisting the 60 gig model PS3 (used) on their website.  AND it dropped $100, making it $330 now.  On a whim one day after work I stopped by the local Gamestop (one of the few I'll actually go to - the manager is awesome and I've known her since the 32/64 bit era and she always takes good care of me) to see if they happened to have any.  They had one, so I impulse bought it.  So far I love how it handles PS2 games, and Blu Ray quality is fantastic (I had picked up The Dark Knight on BD and watched the digital copy before, assuming someday I'd get the player - my second movie ordered is one of my all-time favorites, CUTTHROAT ISLAND).

So!  PS3 games!  I already grabbed MGS4, and I'll probably pick up Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, and Folklore (anyone know where to get any of those cheap?  NOT the hideous red versions, that is).  Anything else I should be looking for?  I keep looking over the games available and not a whole lot jumps out to me.  Most of the multiplatform stuff I'd still rather pick up for my 360 (for 3D games, the controller is much more comfortable than the stupid dualshock).  I get the feeling this thing will primarily be a PS2 upscaler and Blu Ray player.

Shoe Sep 6, 2009

I like SingStar ABBA on ps3 because the songs are in stereo, unlike the monaural ps2 version.

Angela Sep 6, 2009

Whoa, one of STC's biggest detractors against the PS3 actually gets one.  And the world goes a little more mad....

In terms of exclusives, LittleBigPlanet is a no-brainer.  Though I've since fallen out of grace with the title, there's potential enjoyment and longevity that you may yet discover.  InFamous and Killzone 2 were pretty decent from what I've played, and Heavenly Sword is worth a rental. 

*in before allyourbaseare says Valkyria Chronicles*

For PSN releases, Shatter, Flower, and Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer all come recommended.

As for upcoming stuff, you may want to keep an eye out for Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer, and God of War III.  Much further down the line is Final Fantasy Versus XIII and The Last Guardian.

Wanderer Sep 7, 2009

In addition to Angie's suggestions, there's Dead Space. Lots of survival horror fun! Resistance (and its sequel, even better) are both good, but HARD.

SonicPanda Sep 7, 2009

I'd recommend holding off on downloadable titles until Sony sorts out what's going on with Firmware 3.00 breaking controllers and locking up Uncharted. I'll second the mentions of LBP, Valkyria and Ratchet, certainly.

As a word of warning though, avoid the Hot Shots Golf game, because it uses an ingame antiquated update system that requires a glacially-slow download (multiple hours!), and then will most likely force another update onto you immediately. Why they couldn't simply program it to DL the most recent update is beyond me.

But good job getting the best version of the deck. Some of those PS2 games really benefit from it.

longhairmike Sep 7, 2009 (edited Sep 7, 2009)

hmm, might cave for this one...

Qui-Gon Joe Sep 19, 2009

Angela wrote:

Whoa, one of STC's biggest detractors against the PS3 actually gets one.  And the world goes a little more mad....

Well, as I said it's more of a fancy PS2 and a Blu Ray player for the time being (Planet Earth is amaaaaaazing to watch).  I'll probably pick up the GOTY edition of LittleBigPlanet, though what I've heard about the actual single player adventure in that makes me balk a little at paying full price.  I have picked up MGS4, Ratchet, Uncharted, and Folklore (that Best Buy buy-one-get-one-50%-off deal last week was awesome), so I'm pretty set for a little while.  Well... set after I'm done with the backlog I'm working on (I'm never going to get dug out of that, especially since Persona 3 JUST WON'T END WHY IS IT SO DAMN LONG).

A couple other random things - #1 is why did they muck up the control scheme for MGS4 SO BADLY?  The controls were FINE before... trying to learn what does what now is a pain and I keep doing the wrong thing at terrible times.  #2 - how is the Siren remake?  I'd really rather get it on disc - I don't suppose anyone's selling an Asia or Europe version...?  smile

Razakin Sep 19, 2009

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Well... set after I'm done with the backlog I'm working on (I'm never going to get dug out of that, especially since Persona 3 JUST WON'T END WHY IS IT SO DAMN LONG).

Bit off-topic: Just don't try to play that Answer part on Persona 3 (if you own FES that is), it does have few so bloody annoying bosses that will make you either throw your controller, or snap the disc, or send a suprise gift to Atlus.

I mean, I can live with bosses who evade elemental attacks just fine, but not those bosses who do that and then decide to dance on your dead bodies in an instant. But still, I keep trying and grinding and trying, stupid Megaten-charm, why I even bother!

Idolores Sep 19, 2009

Razakin wrote:
Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Well... set after I'm done with the backlog I'm working on (I'm never going to get dug out of that, especially since Persona 3 JUST WON'T END WHY IS IT SO DAMN LONG).

Bit off-topic: Just don't try to play that Answer part on Persona 3 (if you own FES that is), it does have few so bloody annoying bosses that will make you either throw your controller, or snap the disc, or send a suprise gift to Atlus.

I mean, I can live with bosses who evade elemental attacks just fine, but not those bosses who do that and then decide to dance on your dead bodies in an instant. But still, I keep trying and grinding and trying, stupid Megaten-charm, why I even bother!

Haha, gotta love how Persona 3 and 4 actually go out of their way to f--- over the player. big_smile

Angela Sep 20, 2009

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

A couple other random things - #1 is why did they muck up the control scheme for MGS4 SO BADLY?  The controls were FINE before... trying to learn what does what now is a pain and I keep doing the wrong thing at terrible times.

Weren't very many people who were fans of the new change-up in controls.  Took myself a long time, but it all eventually fell into place.

allyourbaseare Sep 21, 2009

Angela wrote:

*in before allyourbaseare says Valkyria Chronicles*


Definitely Valkyria Chronicles.  Also, if you're up for a good old-school romp (old-school referring to the difficulty), give Demon's Souls a shot.  I loved it.

rein Sep 21, 2009

Valkyria Chronicles is available on for $19.96 as I write this.  It will almost certainly be out of stock by the time you read this, though.

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