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Adam Corn Sep 9, 2009 (edited Sep 9, 2009)

... is when people block-quote the entirety of a previous post despite that text not really being necessary at all for comprehension.  That's a big ol' chunk of text that just takes up space and makes it harder to navigate the thread, without serving any real function.  Unless one actually needs to respond to a specific part of a previous message, or the post would be hard to follow otherwise, just the plain old "Post Reply" link should suffice.

Just thought I'd mention it. smile

Edit: Ambiguous topic titles would be another.  Anybody got any others (apart from fussy admins big_smile)?

Idolores Sep 9, 2009

Trolls. But we almost never get them.

James O Sep 9, 2009

Spambots have to be the worst imo.

longhairmike Sep 9, 2009 (edited Sep 9, 2009)

its a good thing you dont allow signatures on here. On pullipstyle we had to enforce limits because some people had nearly full-screen signature PICS, and they would show in every single reply,, ugh...

Angela Sep 9, 2009

My pet peeve are parrot posters.  Those who take a point that's already been stressed by somebody else, and either re-words it slightly, or blatantly states the same exact thing -- with zero acknowledgment to the original poster.  (It's especially irksome if that point was made in the very first post, so it's not like you may have accidentally missed it in the middle of a thread.)  A "like he said," or "It's as she mentioned" goes a long way to offering due credence to a contributing post.

Qui-Gon Joe Sep 9, 2009

My biggest pet peeve is also something that doesn't apply to this place - any time someone quotes MASSIVE IMAGES.  That's way, way worse than people who quote giant blocks of text.

Okay no, my BIGGEST pet peeve (that does occasionally happen here) is when people decide to be jerks to other people just because they know they're anonymous on the internet.  In general, though, people who post at STC are pretty civil, for which I'm very grateful.

rein Sep 9, 2009

My pet peeve is parrot posters who take a point that's already been made by someone else and either repeat it with minor rewording or state the same thing verbatim with no acknowledgment to the OP.  (It's particularly irritating if that point was made at the top of the thread, where it couldn't have been missed.)  An expression of concurrence with the poster who made the point first would go a long way in giving due credit, e.g., "as Adam astutely noted, . . . ."

SonicPanda Sep 9, 2009

Political shouting matches, mostly. Nothing good ever comes of them.

Oh, and animated emoticons.

Aside from those, I can take most things in stride.

Amazingu Sep 9, 2009

rein wrote:

My pet peeve is parrot posters who take a point that's already been made by someone else and either repeat it with minor rewording or state the same thing verbatim with no acknowledgment to the OP.  (It's particularly irritating if that point was made at the top of the thread, where it couldn't have been missed.)  An expression of concurrence with the poster who made the point first would go a long way in giving due credit, e.g., "as Adam astutely noted, . . . ."

I briefly considered posting a similar comment but thought better of it wink

Idolores Sep 9, 2009

Amazingu wrote:
rein wrote:

My pet peeve is parrot posters who take a point that's already been made by someone else and either repeat it with minor rewording or state the same thing verbatim with no acknowledgment to the OP.  (It's particularly irritating if that point was made at the top of the thread, where it couldn't have been missed.)  An expression of concurrence with the poster who made the point first would go a long way in giving due credit, e.g., "as Adam astutely noted, . . . ."

I briefly considered posting a similar comment but thought better of it wink

As did I. Gotta be one of the better ways of trolling Angie, other than saying Twin Snakes was better than the original.

Qui-Gon Joe Sep 9, 2009

Idolores wrote:

As did I. Gotta be one of the better ways of trolling Angie, other than saying Twin Snakes was better than the original.

But it is...  wink

avatar! Sep 9, 2009

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:
Idolores wrote:

As did I. Gotta be one of the better ways of trolling Angie, other than saying Twin Snakes was better than the original.

But it is...  wink

I like your new look QGJ!

TerraEpon Sep 10, 2009

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

My biggest pet peeve is also something that doesn't apply to this place - any time someone quotes MASSIVE IMAGES.  That's way, way worse than people who quote giant blocks of text.

I hate that too, especially when they are stupid, ugly, memes (or at least of similar points).

Then of course there's chat speak that makes me wonder how a person can even be smart enough to play a game.

Angela Sep 10, 2009

rein wrote:

My pet peeve is parrot posters who take a point that's already been made by someone else and either repeat it with minor rewording or state the same thing verbatim with no acknowledgment to the OP

Amazingu wrote:

I briefly considered posting a similar comment but thought better of it wink

Idolores wrote:

As did I.

Squawkers, the lot of ya. 

Luckily, I've brought crackers for everyone.

longhairmike Sep 10, 2009

in forums where you can post pics, replying with an inserted picture 1 pixel high by 30,000 pixels long (i think that's photoshop's max) will stretch out everyone's responses onto one line.

Adam Corn Sep 11, 2009

Hmm I was kind of curious what pet peeves people had on THESE forums, but I guess everyone's happy here.  Or else you're all just really polite. smile

absuplendous Sep 11, 2009

Adam Corn wrote:

Hmm I was kind of curious what pet peeves people had on THESE forums, but I guess everyone's happy here.  Or else you're all just really polite. smile

I am very happy--as people's pet peeves about other places attests, most of the typical forum pitfalls are a non-issue here. But with "you're all just really polite" in mind, my pet peeve is responses to posts that appear to be solely designed to insult or offend another poster, particularly when such responses make up the majority of a member's posts. We're all a pretty mature and respectful group, but every once in a while, snark rears its ugly head.

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