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Boyblunder Sep 12, 2009

Hey peoples, I'm looking to find a place that sells Quad CD cases in clear / white trays, exactly the same as the quad cases you would get with a final fantasy or chrono trigger soundtrack. I can find places to buy them in black but not in white.
Any ideas?
cheers guys and gals

Push It Sep 12, 2009

Are you looking to replace a case? If not, then there are better alternatives as far as CD cases go, but quad cases aren't very easy to come by unless you're willing to assemble the CD case yourself.

Boyblunder Sep 13, 2009

Yep, I want to replace the case for my Chrono Trigger OSV.

TheGazelMinistry Oct 17, 2009 (edited Oct 17, 2009)

I would like suggestions as well. There are a couple cases I want to replace.

(But I suppose there are plenty of sites that can be found via a Google search.)

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