avatar! wrote:I'm not a fan of Lars von Trier. Although he is artistic, I typically find his work rather dull. The one exception would be "The Kingdom", although certain parts of that dragged on too long. As for this movie, I read reviews and apparently it's very violent with various sexual mutilations. Doesn't sound like my kind of movie.
Don't believe the hype. Yes, there are some really unpleasant scenes, but hey, its a horror movie, its supposed to be that way, you know? Its hilarious that people go see a movie that belongs to a genre with the purpose of frightening people, then they whine about it frightening them. It seems like a lot of people focus on just these few scenes, which is a shame, since the rest of the film is a masterpiece of atmospherics and dread, and those scenes make very much sense in the context of the story. One of the funniest/most idiotic things I heard was that some people think the movie has a misogynist message, when in fact its almost quite the opposite. f---, people sure are stupid. Although its the kind of movie that definitely not everyone would like, I can tell by much of the criticism against it that it was really effective in what it was trying to do.
As for Lars von Trier, don't get hung up on that. I like most of the stuff I've seen by him, but this is completely different from anything else he's done. I'd actually say the closest thing is Riget ("The Kingdom"), although its a very distant relation, Antichrist is like a nightmarishly distorted, less comic cousin of it. And trust me, one of the words you won't hear many people use in describing this one is "dull". It ain't.
avatar! wrote:I do have to admit though, it's very hard to find a good horror movie.
Exactly. Seeing this movie makes you realize how lukewarm and half-assed most horror movies really are. Horror movies, like horror games, is a genre of endlessly wasted potential. It should, in theory, be possible to create great masterpieces given the premises and aims of the genre (since it deals with one of our most primal emotions), yet most horror movies turn out to be B-grade crap anyway, even the ones with big budgets. Its because the people making them pamper their audiences and don't have the guts to just go all the way and do their jobs. That's why a movie like Antichrist is so refreshing and welcome: its the occasional and very rare example of an actual horror movie. Which is why I guess so many people were disgusted with it, they went to the theater expecting another Friday the 13th and they got more than they bargained for. Awesome.
Anyway, I don't want to talk up the movie too much, I might get your expectation up too high.
If you like horror movies, you definitely owe yourself to watch it. Its always best to see for yourself and make up your own mind.
avatar! wrote:I wish there were more Edgar Allan Poe movies...
There was a wave of Poe movies in the 1960s, but they turned out pretty bad and shallow (in my opinion). Poe is a great storycrafter, but since all of his stuff is so short, I don't really see it lending itself well to movie transition. Some stories just work better in certain art forms, and while Poe's stuff is definitely best in book-form, something like Antichrist just wouldn't be as effective as a book.