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Jay Oct 16, 2009

Sorry, I know we have a thread for this but I can't figure out what search terms will lead me to it and I can't find it at all. And this really doesn't warrant a thread of its own but I just thought I'd link to this music video that has been doing the rounds on UK music channel, AKA. It's a track by Devlin called Community Outcast and the reason it jumped out at me was the VGM sample used on the track.

And since I can't find that thread and, if anyone else can and Adam can move this to the right place at some point, here's another for the record - Bloody Tears by Army of the Pharoahs. No prizes for guessing the backing track there. I may have mentioned this in that other thread but I had never seen a video for it before.

That second one has many swear words and it's not the most pleasant video so be warned.

Idolores Oct 16, 2009

I nailed Chrono Cross music in the first, but the exact track escapes me. Didn't get the second one.

Amazingu Oct 16, 2009

Idolores wrote:

I nailed Chrono Cross music in the first, but the exact track escapes me. Didn't get the second one.

Wow, that Chrono Cross thing is so obvious, they should get sued.
And if Square doesn't sue them, the World should sue them for Bad Taste.

The second one is from Castlevania I think, no?

Idolores Oct 16, 2009

Amazingu wrote:
Idolores wrote:

I nailed Chrono Cross music in the first, but the exact track escapes me. Didn't get the second one.

Wow, that Chrono Cross thing is so obvious, they should get sued.

Lots of artists use sampling that is obvious. Why should they get sued for it?

Ramza Oct 16, 2009

Amazingu wrote:
Idolores wrote:

I nailed Chrono Cross music in the first, but the exact track escapes me. Didn't get the second one.

Wow, that Chrono Cross thing is so obvious, they should get sued.
And if Square doesn't sue them, the World should sue them for Bad Taste.

The second one is from Castlevania I think, no?

Well I mean, it IS called Bloody Tears. tongue

As for Chrono Cross, as I said in a comment for the video, I'm sure Mitsuda would be smiling if he heard that song.

And don't talk to me about bad taste. As far as hip-hop goes, 90% of it is bullshit self-promotion about having the most money and the most sexy women dancing around you. This guy is singing for the underprivileged. It's what real hip-hop is about. It's socially conscious. And for a British white dude he's not bad at what he does.

Amazingu Oct 16, 2009

Idolores wrote:

Lots of artists use sampling that is obvious. Why should they get sued for it?

Well, there's a difference between using common samples, and actually ripping an entire melodic section from someone else, which is what it sounds like they did here.

But I guess it can be construed as an homage smile

Idolores Oct 16, 2009

Amazingu wrote:
Idolores wrote:

Lots of artists use sampling that is obvious. Why should they get sued for it?

Well, there's a difference between using common samples, and actually ripping an entire melodic section from someone else, which is what it sounds like they did here.

But I guess it can be construed as an homage smile

Yeah, that's true. I have less of a problem with it because the tone of the song they sampled fits the theme of the dude's derived work really well. At least to me, anyways.

Jay Oct 21, 2009

I was just playing God of War on the PSP when the music suddenly sounded very familiar to me and I don't have any GoW soundtracks. Turns out, it's another one sampled by hip hop on an album I have -

Another one with bad language by the way.

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