Yeah, I'm starting on the whole trial and error bit right now. That is why I decided to get the source component -the Marantz- out of the way and spent a little extra on it (it has extra USB ports, so I can link my computer or a hard drive at some point, I'm just using the CD player for now. I didn't get it for the SACD capabilities.
). For headphones, I need something that works on both the home stereo and my portable set-up (I have a Leckerton portable amp for driving larger headphones). I've resigned myself to trial and error now, but thankfully, anything I don't like can be resold.
I did "sample" a pair of the Sennheiser Momentums at Best Buy, but I returned them. They initially impressed at the demo station, but didn't recreate it when I took them home, even after break-in and they were just kind of a wash. I've kind of learned I want more attack in my headphones for the mids/highs and excess bass just annoys me (I think a lot of issues with amplification stem from mid-bass bloat). I don't know too much about Stax, but Sennheisers are infamous for their lazy, laid back sound and I actually found them fatiguing. So far, I've gathered that AKG and Audio Technica are two of the better makers of more analytical/good soundstage headphones. The W5000 appears to be exceptionally bass-lite, which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. I'm hoping for similar results from the AD2000x.[0]=123&graphID[1]=2931&graphID[2]=&graphID[3]=&scale=30&graphType=0&buttonSelection=Update+Graph
And sounds to me like the Stax headphones are similar to the Sennheiser issue. This was the same article that got me interested in Audio Technica headphones: … r_SR007MKI
"AMP PICKY: In order to sound its best, the SR-007 (both MkI and MkII versions) needs to be driven by an amp which offers a hefty amount of voltage swing. From my experience, the amplifiers which Stax currently offers do not offer enough voltage swing to power the SR-007 optimally. When I finally heard the SR-007 paired with HeadAmp's Blue Hawaii Special Edition, I was happily surprised by the results. Prior to acquiring the BHSE, I considered the SR-007 to be a clouded (and sometimes) inauthentic sounding headphone. The BHSE certainly controls the bass and brings out the transparency of the SR-007 better than any amp I've paired it with. I have not heard the SR-007 paired with the Woo Audio WES, but I have read good things regarding this pairing as well."
My amp is a vintage Kenwood receiver (KR-9400) with a ton of power to it. I'm trying to go vintage for the amplification. KR-9400 was a top of the line model in the mid-70's and is popular with audiophiles, just not as highly regarded as Pioneer or Yamaha or even Marantz or Sansui.
Edit: Damn, that guy is NOT a fan of the W5000.
"SOUND: Normally, I would evaluate several distinct attributes of the sound in order to determine which are successful and which are in need improvement. In this case, I find that the sound is simply poor all around. It is a nasal, congested, non-transparent, bass-less, unnatural tone."
"POWERING: Audio-Technica produced an amp specifically designed to power the W5000. It is known as the HA-5000. I am told by some owners of this pairing that the sonic results are stunning. I have never heard this pairing, so I do not know. In my experience, I have found that the W5000 never loses its nasal, unnatural character despite which amp I choose to pair it with. Of the amps I've used, I have found that it sounds best with the TTVJ Millett 307a, but it still does not sound particularly good."